Chapter Seven MAXWELL KOLB

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Before the war, before any divisions there was a promising young warlock that was rising and excelling in his gift of Necromancy. He was a decedent from the first voodoo salve that settled many years before. As a child, he ran away from home when he realized that he was able to bring back the dead; his parents used him and show cased him like a freak; he never looked back.  He wandered for years looking for somewhere to go; he made a name for himself roaming all of Louisiana performing several magic tricks. When he came across a gentleman name Terrance Moorefield; he found him captivating. One day mystery called him he wanted to know who he was and where he came from, something was drawing him to this mysterious man.

One day Terrance went again to one of his shows, he saw with his own eyes that Maxwell was special, "Good evening kind sir." Maxwell said to Terrance as the show finished, "I've seen you here more than once how do you like show?" Terrance looked at him didn't say a word; he gave him a card that read 'Academy of Fine Arts and Crafts'. Maxwell looked at the card and then him as he walked away. He flipped the card and on the back of the card was the address; he packed his things and went to the location. When he arrived at the school, he came before a tall gate with torches on each pillar; behind the gate was a long drive way.  From a distance he saw two people waited for him standing there as if they knew he was coming.

As he walked through the road, the two young gentlemen, one took his bags and the other said "Follow me please." He walked in and saw the Hall of Past Leaders, torches and candles lighting the way. They lead him into the Dining Hall and left him there. "It's beautiful don't you think?" another man asked going to him to shake his hand, "Yes, yes it is, my name is Maxwell." "Oh yes we know who you are, you have quit a reputation that follows you." The man said walking with him, "My name is Johnathon, I'm the head of the council here at our school, and I believe you've met the head master of Mr. Terrance Moorefield." Maxwell followed Jonathon down in to the conference room and sat down next to the fire. "What is this place?" asked Maxwell as he looked at him so fascinated and interested like a child when he gets a new toy, "When did you first know that you were different?" he asked him placing his hands on his lap. Maxwell thought the question was a bit forward, "Well..." he said taking a big breath, "I was about five years old when our cow died and we had no food, my mother was sad because she thought that we were going to die, I was sad because I lost my best friend. I sat next to Martha our cow and put my hand on her, I wished for her to come back and she did." "Extraordinary." Johnathon said, "Do you have any other gifts?"  He looked at him, "I think maybe I should go." Maxwell said, feeling a little scared and uncomfortable. He stood up and began to walk to the door, Johnathon lifted his hand and the door closed.

Maxwell turned around and grinned, "What is this place?" "The school is for those that are gifted in a way that society deems us freaks; we teach normal class as well as the origination of magic and power, we teach how to control it and how to excel in it. Do you still want to leave?" He said taking a sip of his hot tea, he lifted his hand again and opened the door. Maxwell grabbed the door Knob looked out into the hall way, and closed the door. "Good choice." said Johnathon. Over the next several years Maxwell advanced and surpassed all the exams and excelled in his power faster than any other student that has ever been in the school.

He later became one of the youngest students to be a council member. As he stayed there longer he was shadowed by the Alpha at the time, side by side they grew stronger together. Maxwell then began to want to study the deep and dark magic, knowing that is was forbidden, he began studying the book dark of Necromancy; how to bring the dark and the dead back from the pit of dark magic itself. He began to secretly study all the books he could in every matter of the subject; he was not able to perform any of it because he didn't want to get caught.

Then one year of him being a council member, he heard a ruckus going on in the entrance of the school; he saw a women and a young girl, he saw Terrance greet the both of them, from that day forward he grew a hate so deep it would change the coven for years to come. He went down to greet them, "Hello there my name is Maxwell Kolb and who might you be?" the little girl looked at him no grin no smile not even her name was given. She extended her hand and shook his. When he grabbed her hand he felt something in her something that scared him to the core. Terrance walked to the girl and he introduced her to his sons. Maxwell saw the drift of attention and power move instantly from him to her. Years went on she blossomed into a beautiful and powerful women, then one day he had enough and went to his book of dark spells. "If I can't be the next Alpha then no one can." He said as he watched her from a far.

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