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Before the silent war, before anyone knew that a Nephilim could coexist with witches in the world; there was a war before the Earth's dust settled and before the ocean met land. In the beginning when the earth was dark and out of order, Lucifer had taken three parts of havens most valuable arch angles and solders when he fell. The most powerful, most cunning were seven outstanding and promising of all the angles that fell; Hal the oldest had power over death; her stone was red; Azazel was give dominion the rebellion his stone was yellow; Asmodeus the father of lust and which likes to change his physical appearance to gain control; his stone was Sapphire; Belphegor the prince of lies and best known as the deserver has the orange stone; Baal reigning over the eastern shore has the black stone; Dantalion he out of all of them is quite interesting with taking so many forms some say that he doesn't really have a form others say that he has knowledge to give and shows you a book but little do people know that he actually takes their soul and it becomes part of him; he has the purple stone. And last but not least Lilith Mother of all, she has one on the most powerful stones and is hard to kill, she was Adams first wife, until he met another; Eve. Her anger echoed through every sense of creation after that blinding true love and hating purity in it. What most don't know is that her true love was Eden.

They release the apocalypse over the earth, when Lucifer was giving the stones to each one of them, he made sure that key was hidden; he didn't have much trust on his children. After the dust settled and peace was placed Asmodeus went in search for the key, she found it and gave it to a deity master named Papa Legba and he gave it to his first student, and she passed it on until it was lost. Legend says that the key will appear to the key holder when the stones are all together and the keepers of the stones are killed. If the stones are put in the key, apocalypse is stopped; the stones a mere acceleration to the foretold coming future events.

Thomas looked at Emerald and she looked at him, she couldn't believe that she was going to marry him, a man that loves her unconditionally.  "This is so beautiful, where did you get it?" she looked at the ring and admired it. "It was my mothers." He said as he looked at her and looked at the ring. She looked at him, "What was she like?" she said as she sat next to him near the fire, "She was the most beautiful and compassionate women anyone could ever meet; she loved my father and my father adored her, she only had love to give and everywhere we went my mother was always the center of attention, she had no hate no fear and defiantly no limit when it came to sacrifice." He said rubbing the ring, "She sounds like an amazing women; I wish I could have met her." "She would have loved you." He said leaning over to kiss her. They made love there by the fire; they laid looking at the ceiling, he looked at her and she looked at him, "We have to get the council together, I have to show them the book." They got up and went to bathe; they got dressed and proceeded to go down the stairs when suddenly Jasper popped out of nowhere. "You have to see this." He said as they followed him running down the hall. As they ran down the hall they could see the sky was different, "Somethings wrong." Emerald said. The sky was pitched black with yellow and blue hues; no stars no moon.

They went outside and the hue in the sky became brighter, "She's here." Emerald said, "Everyone in the council's chambers now!" They all made their way; Emerald closed the door and put a protection spell over it. She ran to the councils table and slammed the book on the table, "There are seven." She said as she opened the book, "Seven what?" Ilene said, "There is seven Princes and Princesses of hell each one more powerful than the one before it, I met one when I went down into the cave to get Azazel's book, Asmodeus presented herself to me; The stones that each one carry is a piece of a key, I know that there are seven in total but I would have to do more digging as to what they are, and also they aren't demons." "What do you mean 'They aren't demons'" Jasper said almost chocking on his tea, "Asmodeus told me that if one Prince or Princess dies then the one that follows will come after me, and each one is stronger than before." She said looking at all of them, "Wait a minute wait, so you're telling me that each one of these things that comes is a Prince? Do you have any idea the level of power they have what they can do?" Mr. Walters said nervous as he spoke, "I know, do you think I haven't thought of all of that what do you think I've been doing, look; leave if you must but I stay and defend everything you see here, Maxwell will not stop until I am dead and he the Alpha, I know that he isn't doing it alone someone is helping him summon the Prince's in the mean time I want to hear from you all, tell me, guide me help me we don't have much time."

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