Chapter Seventeen THE BLACK DOOR

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She didn't sleep all night, she sat there on the steps thinking and planning, trying to get a hold of everything that was in front her. "What is she doing?" "Thinking." Thomas said as he poured another cup of tea. Daniel walked back inside from the porch, "I don't like the silence; it makes me uncomfortable." "Well you can't really do anything now can you smart ass." Roger told Daniel as he walked towards Helena. "Thomas it's not safe for her to be alone with everything that is going on, I know that she wants to deal with it alone because she doesn't want to get anyone dead but we have to stand with her." "Okay let me try," "Thomas before you go, how are you doing?" "I'm alright not too bad just soar." "What was it like, Eden?" "It was beautiful, but somewhere you definitely don't want to get lost in." he said with a smile as he walked out, "Em, hey how you doing?" he said leaning at the pillar opposite from her, "I'm at a loss for words what can I do, how do I process all this information I'm a 'weapon' and you're a 'key'." she said walking down that steps, walking away she began to get upset and a large force field began to surround her; with in the field, lightning was striking from her finger tips, her hair turned white and her eyes did too. Thomas stepped back and the wind began to pick up speed, "Emerald," he yelled covering his face, "Thomas!" Daniel yelled "Stay back." He said and created a bubble around the school, "Em, you have to calm down!" he said as she floated upward.

Then he began to get hit from the sparks of power that were slipping out of the force field, "Em you need to control it, don't let it control you," As he was speaking to her, a large strike hit his chest then suddenly a black bubble formed around him, his face became pale and his eyes black as the night sky; his hair red like fire and yellow veins spread throughout his body. Emerald quickly took control of her power, although it was still fighting her; she managed to get it under control. She looked up and the bubble was black, at that instant Michael appeared, his staff in hand and full of armor, "I see that the "Fire of God" has been activated, where is it?" "The what?" "The 'Fire of God' someone has embodied it." "Thomas" she whispered, "I cannot do anything for him, I'm only summoned by the fire; you have to do it, and I'm just a precaution," "What can I do"? "You'll have to suppress it with you power, you possess the ability to do so, concentrate you'll have to penetrated the protective shield once you do so the gem will help you, hold him tight and the medallion will do the rest." Emerald tapped into energy, 'Concentrate and manipulate it to what you want it to do' a voice whispered to her. As she went to him, from her chest came a large beam of light, her eyes white as snow and her hair as bright as the sun; Michael walked to Helena, "You have to get ready..." "For what," "Lilith, she's coming soon and your eyes are about to open." "Fuck."

Emerald finally broke through and the black smoke around Thomas vanished she quickly ran to hug him; it was as if a planet had reached supernova; Thomas just stood there stiff and not moving, her pendent touched his forehead from and his hair began to slowly change back. "Where is her medallion?" "Before Diana died the power and life force that was in the medallion was transform to the pendant around her neck," As she stepped away from Thomas he opened his eyes and she could see them slowly turning back to normal, "Thomas, Tommy I'm sorry, I'm sorry." She said crying. He reached out and placed his hand on her head, "You got great aim, little spit fire." He said smiling weakly at her. "Daniel, help him up," said Elizabeth as she helped Emerald up from the ground. "We need to have a word, now if possible." Michael said as he walked into the school.

As everyone sat in the conference hall, Michael stood looking out the large window, "What do you know about the maze?" Emerald looked him, her heart racing, "What is the maze?" "By the looks, you know it; the room with many doors, you'll need to know the next thing that I'm about to tell you; the black door is open you know what that means," "Yes" she whispered, "Then its time, my army is ready to be deployed, but I can't send them off until the rest of the stones are taken." He said as he walked outside towards the garden; they all followed, he raised his staff and what appeared to be a divide of time and space opened up as he hit the ground three times, "Emerald, you know what has to be done, follow the light at the end of the tunnel you'll find the pale man who will take you to the dragon, remember the stones must all be together before you give the Dragon the key." Michael walked over to Helena and tapped her forehead, "REVELARE" he said taking a step back, symbols and markings appeared on her; confused they all began to ask questions "What is that?" Elizabeth said.

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