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Emerald looked at her and then at Thomas, "Sometimes the thing that is most annoying is easy to kill when you've run out of patience." Emerald said levitating towards Lilith, "Let me guess you're gana do it?" Lilith's eyes gleamed bright as she came face to face with Emerald. The eel that was in Baal's had opened its mouth and out came a black smoke that began to penetrate threw the barrier; Michael banged his staff. All in a synchronized motion pointed their weapons towards Lilith and Baal.

Jasper and Annett held hands; Helena and Elizabeth looked at each other, Emerald rose higher towards the center of the dome like barrier. Finally the smoke broke through Emerald shot a lightning strike; suddenly the smoke became black birds diving down towards them. Lilith released blue and black butterfly's that seemed harmless but they touched you your skin broke out in poisons rash. Spears and light beams were thrown back and forth; creatures crept out of the muddy waters that were over flowing in the shallow areas of the school. Suddenly a large roar came from the sky and the sound of a large flap echoed through the sky. "He's here." The sky turned red and the ground shook; lightning struck in the blood red sky and a grey shadow of the Dragon was seen, "Michael, we need to get the stone from Baal." She said and she formed a weapon in her hand, "Jasper, ready?" she said to throw him towards the stone creatures summoned by Lilith, "No and I bet its gana hurt too." He said taking deep breaths, "Just a bit," she said throwing him. He hit them hard with a loud bang some crumble but then they rebuilt themselves quick, "We can't do anything if they come back up." Jasper said, "Helena and Elizabeth, hold them off as long as you can," Emerald went towards Baal, "You think you can kill me child?" he said as he held out his arm; a black fog spewed out into the ground like black water.

The Dragon flapped his wings win the sky, "Thomas, did she figure out how to kill the Prince?" Ilene said fighting behind him "Yes, I need you to cover me." He ran of diving and dodging hits; his hair suddenly turned a red orange tapping into his Divine State, "The problem with killing you is that it's too easy," she said pulling a piece of what looked like an old bone sharpened, she cut her hand. As she did Thomas ran towards her, he too cut his hand. Emerald tossed the bone to Thomas that was stained with her and his blood he ran with outstanding speed and jammed it into Baal's forehead, as he did a large gust of wind blew and knocked everyone down; the Dragon roared. "The wing of my father, clever." Baal said as he fell into a watery pit. Lilith looked at Emerald, Thomas point at Lilith; she ran towards Emerald. "Thomas; the staff." He grabbed it and threw it to Emerald. She came head to head with Lilith, "The little mouse is ready to die?" "Like I said when you get really annoyed it gets easier to kill you." She said striking her back and forth. Lilith swooshed her hand and root like spears came flying out of the ground towards everyone, Emerald dodged them; she turned and looked to see who was hit, "PHELIP!" Annett yelled out removing the spear out from his chest, "You bitch!" Annett ran out towards Lilith; she laughed. Annett fell to her knees and Lilith cut off her head, "No!!" Thomas held him back; he cried.

Emerald took the staff and dipped it in the mucky black water, and dripped her blood on it. Michael held on to Lilith, "You killed one to many today," Emerald said with tears running, "So you figured it out, how did you even get my book?" "Asmodeus." Emerald said smiling, "That bitch."     Lilith scoffed out, "So you figured it out, you know before you do so you will di-," Emerald stabbed her in the heart, "Talk too much," she said as she took the stone, "It would be useless for me to take it," she said looking at the stone, she looked at everyone behind her, tears flowing down her dirty face, Michael looked at her, "It's time." "Whatever you do please keep them from saving me, but don't hurt them please." She turned and walked out towards the Dragon, "Emerald, I finally get to meet you." The Dragon said landing in front of her. "Do you have the stones and the key?" She was breathing heavily, tears rolled down her face; she lifted her hands with all the stones she had collected, "The Pale man, will touch each stone," the Dragon said. He opened his mouth and a the Pale Man walked out; he reached out and placed one hand on each stone, "Ah," the Dragon said his eyes turned a golden color, "Red, Hal first born, Azazel second son; Asmodeus third son; Belphegor the fourth son; Baal the fifth son; Lilith mother of lies," he said as the Pale Man touch, then he suddenly stopped he turned and faced the Dragon, "Where the last stone, where is Dantalion's stone?!" he shouted.

Everyone behind her looked confused; Thomas began to walk towards Michael, "Where is it?" "The stone was destroyed by the keeper a long time ago, I'm sorry." Thomas looked back at Emerald, and she looked at him, "If the key is not completed, you know what has to be done?" "Yes she said breathing fast, she turned around and looked at all of them, she smiled and then with the hand she cut; she clapped her hands created a blood barrier, Thomas ran to her but couldn't get through, "Emerald, please don't do this I love you." He said crying, "You have showed me more in this life than I could have ever imagined Thomas, on you bed I left something for you; I love you with my life and the air that I breathe." "No; Emerald no!" Michael grabbed Thomas and held on to him. Emerald looked at Helena, "You know this has to be done." "I do." Helena said as she cried." The pale man looked at her, "It is time." She turned and looked at Thomas, "I love you." She mouthed to him.

She closed her eyes and thought about all the beautiful memories she had, Pale Man drew his sword, "With the Sword of Destiny, your sacrifice will settle all." The Dragon said as he struck her through her heart. The pendant around her neck levitated and disappeared, Emerald fell to the floor, the Pale Man returned to the Dragons mouth and they too disappeared. The blood barrier vanished and they all rushed to Emerald, all of them crying. Ilene leaned on Jasper and cried Elizabeth held on to Helena, the battle was over. The sky cleared and the sun was setting, Emerald coughed and blood came out from her mouth, Michael let go of Thomas; he ran to her. "Em, hey Em look at me," he said crying, "Don't leave me Em please." He said placing her head in his arms. She tried to stand, they helped her up, "Take me to the garden." Thomas and Emerald sat there in the garden, like they did and watched the sunset together, "To watch the sunset together, Thomas." She said taking her last breath, "Yeah, together to see the trees dance." He held her tight. She was gone; he sat there in silence with her, crying in silence.

Michael looked at Helena, "Her spirit has gone to rest now, I will be back to pay my respects when you're ready." "Yes, thank you."

The following day, the entire coven prepared a grand funeral; they all wore black. The school was decorated in white daisies and hanging flowered vines. Out by the garden Emerald laid in a bed of daisy's in a glass covered coffin. Her dress was white and with lace sleeves. The council member stood behind the coffin as Thomas stood in front of the. Helena touched his shoulder, "She looks like a percaline doll; innocent and unbreakable." Tears ran down on everyone's face. Michael and the other angels came to show their respects. "She was a Supreme like no other; that took care of the people she loved; limitations couldn't hold her back, she believed in the truth, she was hurt several time by the loss of those she loved but the love of her coven was great; she was a diamond in the rough, graceful and wise beyond her years." Elizabeth said whipping her tears; "she left us one last gift, and that was that love will always conquers even the toughest of obstacles." She turned on a floating lantern as the sun was setting; Thomas and the others did the same.

Months later had passed, "Are you going to teach that class or do you want me to teach it?" Jasper said as he walked into Thomas's study; "No I'll go, hey did you and Ilene partner up for that one event?" "Yeah but I think she likes me," he said joking, "She probably does." Thomas said laughing; Jasper walked out and closed the door. Thomas sat there a moment longer he looked at his bookshelf and the gift that Emerald gave him was sitting there unopened. He walked to get it; he hesitated to open it. It was a small green box with a white ribbon and an enchanted daisy over it. As he untied the ribbon a small gust of wind caressed his face; in the box was a letter, 'My dear Thomas, I know that you might feel sad, I felt sad when I wrote this letter because I knew the battle with Baal would end with my life. I want you to have happiness in your life for I can no longer kiss the lips that called my name once; I want you to know that every moment I spent with you, was like a fairytale come true but better. In my heart there was only you and my soul only left you, I knew that you would feel alone so I left you this to remember me always and when you feel alone walk to the garden where we always sat in to watch the sunset together. Forever Love always E.M (your spitfire)

He put the letter down and pulled out a round locket with her initials, in the locket was a picture of her and him, on the back was an engraved daisy. He smiled as he closed the locket, "My clever girl." He said as tears rolled down his face, later that day he sat down in the white garden, he hadn't been there sense the last time, he noticed that a small patch of Daisy's began to grow just a little to his left that weren't there before. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes; he could remember the smell of her perfume and the color of her eyes. He looked at the sky and watched the clouds drift away, 'Thomas" he heard a whisper; he turned and there was no one, the wind blew and caressed his face. He smiled, " To watch the sunset together" he whispered.

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