Chapter Three THE DIVINE

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As Emerald woke up she found Alexander asleep and unaware that she was awake on the loveseat. She looked at him and smiled. She noticed the golden marks on her arm and wondered what happen. She wasn't scared or nervous; she just accepted it. She got up quietly as to not wake up Alexander. She had no memory of what happened after the meeting or just before the blackout. Emerald went to the bathroom and started the water, as she removed her clothes she saw that the marks were all over her body. She sat in the tub quietly trying to scrub the marks off but she couldn't. She sobbed a little and continued. As she finished she put on a robe and walked to her bed. She cried she thought to herself, 'What is happening' and began to sob in a low manner.

Alexander woke up and noticed her crying, "What is happening to me?" she whispered to him. He went to her and hugged her, "I can explain it but you have to promise me you'll try to take it in and make sure you control what you feel, ok?" "Ok" she replied, "So, you are a half god because of your grandfather and a witch because of Diana." "So what's happening to me?" she asked crying, the room began to vibrate, and Alexander grabbed her hands, "Listen to me, listen to my voice, there is nothing wrong with you, you're perfect, you are perfect. The power within you is just strong because not only do you have natural power you also have divine power, and they are just trying to find a balance with in you, that's all." He said trying to keep her calm, "You're just going to see some of that come out because it is so strong, and most half god's half markings." As he explained to her the room stopped shaking, "So how long will it take, for it to settle?" "Well it takes 3 days but your grandfather left books for you to study to help you channel your powers and control it. The council is looking for the books so don't worry, we are all here to help you, and you're not alone." "You're going to be helping me?" She asked cleaning her face with a handkerchief Alexander pulled from his pocket.

He looked at her as he caressed her hand, rubbing the half heart mark on her wrist; "Yes" He said whispering it to her. She leaned on his shoulder and cried a little. Diana came walked in and saw Emerald in an upset mood, she knew he told her, "I'm sorry sweetheart, are you ok?" she walked to her and sat next to her. Alexander stood up and said "She knows" "Ah yes, I'm sorry I didn't tell you Emerald, I didn't want you to be to burdened with so much information." "Its fine Diana, I was able to control it, Al... Alexander helped me."

Diana looked at him and smiled, "Breakfast is being served; we should all go get some the council is going to meet with us, in a few minutes so let's squeeze some in before the talk." As they all walked down stairs, the veins on Emerald began to glow, her eyes went white, and she stopped and turned around.

She walked down the hall opposite from where she explored before, as she walked the hall the same gold like veins appeared on the walls as she walked down. Her hair began to change. She continued slowly as if in a trans and came across a plane wall bare and awkward; the wall appeared bent inwards, she raised her hand and said "ALAHA" and the wall turned gold and opened like French doors, Diana looked at Alexander and he at her, "Go and tell the council that we might have found the books" he said to her. He followed her into the hidden room. As they stepped, blue and green shimmers appeared as she walked down the hall of the hidden room. Oil light posts lit up as she walked further and further. At the end of the hall there was one room filled with books and spells books from ancient times and spells passed on by Alphas and Supremes from before the Salem trials, dating back to the first witch.

The room glowed gold and green, Emerald walked around with her hand extended outwards as if she was feeling for the books she needed, a white light gave away to  the books revealing themselves. One was bright gold and the other and green. Emerald grabbed them and when she did, a loud sound like a trumpet echoed in the room. Alexander grabbed Emerald and ran out before the door closed. As the door began to close, Emerald snapped out from her the 'Divine State' and stopped running, "Wait" she said "Why the door is closing" "Just trust me wait." The door closed and the was no light, Alexander started painting, and Emerald grabbed his hand, "Follow me." she said as they walked back her skin still glowing, "There, you see that?" she said pointing at the book case, "My grandmother said there're a lot of hidden passage ways here, but this one was only made for the Supreme, but it has a divine covering." "How do you know that?" he asked looking at her, "Every time I go into the divine state I hear a voice that guides me to where I'm going, I don't know the voice but I like to think that it's my mother sometimes." She explained to him as she moved the books around opening another hidden door. "You are full of surprises." He said smiling at her.

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