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What the hell do they want now? Ever heard about a thing called beauty sleep--


I guess not.

I slowly made my way downstairs and stopped by the end of the railing. My mother began to pick up a box from the living room and motioned to the door.

"Mind helping a little bit?! These are your boxes" My mother said sarcastically.

Before I could eat breakfast, I hauled a large box to the car and went inside. My mother pulled me aside quickly and dragged me to the backyard. She pinned me against the house and spoke in a clear voice.

"Don't screw up Y/N. I don't want to hear a single call from Jimin saying that you aren't cooperating".

"And what are you going to do if I don't? You don't scare me" I said with courage. She squinted her eyes at me and let me go.

I looked at my mother carefully, eyeing her every move and action she did.

Crystal eyes..

Strict voice...

Smooth hands...

Soft hair...

These words defined my mother. Even if she yelled and hit me often, she was still my mother. It was true that she didn't scare me, but her eyes still somewhat scarred my skin.

"Hey Y/N,".


I turned to my shoulder and felt a small hand touch me.


I shaked his hand off and turned to Jimin. He gave me a small half moon smile and looked down. He rustled his hair and looked back at me with a serious expression.

"Sorry about yesterday" He said earnestly. "I just thought that it would be best to take away the cigarettes for now. We could work on the alcohol later".


I looked away from Jimin and slipped my hands into my pockets. I tapped my feet unconsciously and pondered off into space.

"You are my sunshine,

My only sunshine,

You make me happy,

When skies are gray,

My father's voice ringed inside my head and stayed put. His bright smile surrounded me as he sang on his guitar. His voice was one of a kind, he was so natural.

What happened to him?

I can't say.

"Ready to go?" Jimin piped up quietly. I ignored him and made my way to the car. Before we could drive away, my mother came to us and knocked on the window. I pulled it down slowly and turned to her.

"Y/N, before you go..." He paused at the end. I was gripping on the edge of my seat, just waiting for her to speak up.

It's on the tip of your tongue, just say it.

"Make sure that you haven't left anything. Nobody's going to go back in your room anyways".


- End of Chapter 3 -

Sunshine - p.jm - (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now