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"Miss Y/LN?"

Me and Nicolette stood up straight and grasped each other's hand. Silence was in the room. The pressure was high.

"Jimin is waiting to see you,"

I wiped a tear from my face as I let out a sigh of relief. Nicolette smiled as she pulled on my hand. "Come on Y/N, let's go," She said calmly. I nodded my head as we followed the nurse. We stopped at a room at the end of the hallway, which just so happened to be on the top floor.

"I must warn you though, he still is a little weak, so as much as you miss him, try not to hug him too tight. By the way, only one person is allowed at a time," The nurse stated with a calm smile.

I looked over at Nicolette. "Don't worry about me Y/N, i'll wait downstairs. Tell him I said hello for me, okay?" Nicolette said calmly. As Nicolette and the nurse left, I grasped my flowers tightly.

I'm ready.

I slowly opened the door and peeked my head through. Jimin slowly opened his eyes and let out his signature half moon smile.

"Hey Jagiya, I missed you,"

I ran over to his bed and dropped the flowers on the table. His hair was messy and he still looked weak, but his smile was still warm and left a fuzzy feeling in my heart.

I sat on the chair besides him and looked down on the floor. "Jimin..i'm--"

"Don't Y/N,"

I looked up towards him as he held my hand softly. A tear shed from my eye and dropped on the floor gracefully.

"Don't tell me that you're sorry for what happened. Don't tell me that this is your fault and that you wish it was you, because to me, i'm glad. I'm glad it was me and not you who got hurt. To be honest, if it was you, I would still feel the same pain as now, and if not, maybe even more. It's like I always tell you, i'd die for you--"

"Don't say that!--"

"Listen to me Y/N, I need you to know this, and i'm going to tell you this the best way possible. Look, I need to go through a surgery in a few days, and the doctors don't know if I would be able to survive or not--"


"If I die, let's hope that I don't, but if I do, I want you to regain your life back. Quit drugs, quit alcohol, and quit everything that's going to harm you, even if it means to go to rehab. I don't care if the whole world is doing it, I only care about you, so listen to my words, okay?"

I broke down next to him as I saw a small tear escape from his face and slowly go down his cheek.

"I..I love..you--you Jimin..."

Jimin smiled softly and held my hand tight. "I love you too Y/N," Jimin whispered.

"No, you don't understand. I've been sitting here with Nicolette waiting for you to wake up for three whole days, do you know how stressful that was? Do me a favor and fight this. Fight against the pain and make it. Make it for me and everyone you love. You've changed me Jimin, i've turned into a complete sap because of you...but I can't thank you enough. Whatever kind of voodoo you're doing to me, it's working. I wanna change for life, and I can't do it without you...

"Jimin, I love you,"

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