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"What the hell is going on?!" I shrieked.

Nico froze and stared at me intently. He was holding a large rope that was tied around Nicolette that grasped her on a tree. Beside Nico, a large brown bag rested on the ground filled with unimaginable weapons. I knew them all. Grenades, Machetes, large guns; they weren't new to me, thanks to my dangerous past.

But what does this have to do with Nicolette?!

"Y/N, don't worry about anything, Jimin's here to help me," Nico pointed briefly towards Jimin.

"Do what?" I asked, not making any eye contact with Jimin. For once in my life, I was scared. I wasn't scared for Jimin, I was scared of the weapons.

I read about those too. Right after my father's death.

---; 15 years ago ;---

"Mom, when's Dad coming home?"

"In a little bit, don't bother me, i'm busy,"

I waited impatiently by the window. It was a dark night with stars in the sky. It was my perfect type of night. I looked over by the clock.

11:47 pm

He never came this late, I recalled in my head. When would he come home in his white van? When would he come home and hold me up so I high I could touch the ceiling? Was he ever coming home? These were casual thoughts that I always thought in my head when I waited for him to come home.

"You're still waiting for dad, huh?"

Zoe let out a small breath of air on the window. She traced a small little heart and drew small lines inside the heart. "This line is for you, me, Mom, and Dad," She told me in her usual bossy tone.




"Hello?" Our Mother answered.

"Who do you think that call's from Z?" I asked.
She shrugged her shoulders and kept her attention on Mom.

Then her face dropped.

Mom dropped the phone and grasped on to the table behind her. Tears streaked down her cheeks like a fast-moving river. This was the only time I saw her scared. She never let out her true emotions. She did that a long time ago when I was little, but most of the time she was perfectly content and quiet.

Just like a little bit of me I guess.

"Get out," She mumbled. Z immediately went to comfort her, but when she did, Mom pushed her against the ground. "GET OUT!!" She screamed on the top of her lungs. We both ran, but I stopped at the top of the stairs. Police cars had already parked around our house as the cops were talking to Mom.

"Mrs.Y/LM," One of the cops began. "Your husband has died in a tragic shooting downtown,"

---; Present ;---

"W-why?" I stuttered as I glanced at the gun. Nico let out a small giggle. Then a loud chuckle. He smiled at me and walked slowly towards me.

"Didn't Jimin tell you about his amazing idea of revenge?"

I picked up one of the machetes from the bag and pointed it towards Jimin. "So you're telling me that you created this 'amazing' plan to make Nico kill his own sister as revenge for the fight that me and Nicolette had? ARE YOU NUTS?!" I yelled at Jimin.

I quickly started to cut Nicolette's rope (who was still silent in shock), but as I was halfway through, I felt an object on the back of my head. In seconds, I felt excruciating pain enter through my head and paralyzing me to the ground.

Nico had shot me in the head.

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