- c h a p t e r 8 -

1 0 0

"Where were you yesterday?"

I felt all eyes penetrate on me. The tension was tight, but still loose enough for some words to come out. Honestly, I didn't have a single clue why I was here, but I guess it just gave me one good reason to sneak out.

I hope he isn't looking for me.

"At home. Why?" I lied straight to her face. Her face stayed still when I lied, but she still moved back and took her seat. Across from me, Captain pulled out his phone and clicked it a few times, sending nerves down my body and making me perfectly still. He pushed the phone over the table and stared at me intensely. His eyes were no longer brown, but instead a dark shade of ferocity and and anger.

I'm not even sure what color it is.

"I'll give you one more chance to answer that question," Captain said carefully. "Where were you yesterday?"

"Just because you guys are my friends doesn't mean that you have to know my whole autobiography," I responded coolly without skipping a beat. Captain tapped on his phone and faced it towards me. It showed a video of the camera zooming into a car and showing what seemed to be a woman-


My fingers started to twitch the longer I watched the video. When it ended, Nicolette quickly stood up and clenched her fists. Nico tried to pull her down, but it was too obvious of
what she was going to do next. She took a swung at me, but I immediately blocked her and moved outside to have more room. Before I could fight back, she punched me in the face, sending me down. She pulled a knife from her pocket and held it front of me.

"Kill the evidence.." She spoke to herself in a quiet voice. I closed my eyes in fear knowing what was going to happen next. I grasped the grass for dear life, but I knew that wouldn't help. I listened to the sound of my breath, taking in how pretty it sounded when everything was silent.

Too silent.

Before I could even twitch my eyes, I felt a soft hand touch my face. When I finally opened my eyes, there was a man crouching beside me crying--no, bawling--his eyes out.


Sunshine - p.jm - (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now