- c h a p t e r 6 -

5 0 8

I never really liked walking, especially in the rain. I was always more of the antisocial type and--according to my mother--had a big mouth. But it was at this moment where I didn't feel like saying anything, especially to...


The boy walking right next to me, holding an umbrella and not making a sound, even his footsteps were reticent. I looked over to the group walking next to us with a quiet stare. One of the members in that little group had cracked a joke, making the rest of the group go wild.

If they don't shut up i'll make them-

One of the people in that same group were walking right behind them, staring quietly at the ground as she walked past us. Everyone was wearing the same thing, black hoodies and pretty much black everything. As I walked past them, I noticed that she fidgeted with her hoodie as she stared discreetly at her black shoes. She was an outsider and she knew it.

My head didn't care, but my heart somewhat related to her.

People tend to try and be someone else so that they have someone to lean on. Sure, you could have friends, but leaning on them was a whole different story. It's like erasing who you are and replacing it with something else, with someone who deeply doesn't care that you're even standing next to them. People tend to put on a mask that society creates, a mask that they glue on your face to mock and deride. It's sick and awry what society has become-

"Sorry about the car Y/N, I promise that i'll make it up to you soon,".

I took in a deep sigh and moved slightly away from him. He moved even closer to me and continued to speak.

"Look, I know you're not too happy about me being with you-"

"Nope, i'm miserable "

"I know, but just hear me out," Jimin insisted. "If I knew that the car was going to break down before hand, we wouldn't have gone out in the first place-"

"We?" I yelled on the top of my lungs. "WE wouldn't have gone out?! Do you realize that I would have been much better without you?! It was your idea to go out and find my little 'groupie' in the first place!!! My family likes you cause 'you're the only one who doesn't get me in trouble'!!! We were never friends in the first place Jimin, the only reason why we're together is because my stupid mother set us up because i'm so called 'irresponsible'!!! I'm a grown adult now Jimin, I don't need your help--w-what are you doing?!"

I felt a pair of light hands surround my waist and pull me closer, eventually pulling me to his face and closing the space between us. Our lips touched and--surprisingly--touched for a long time while the rain soaked our clothes.

"What are you doing?!?!" I pushed off of him. I let go of him and stormed off, wiping the kiss of my lips as soon as I let him go. I could hear him calling my name, but I didn't care.

I just wanted to go home.

- End of Chapter 6 -

Sunshine - p.jm - (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now