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"You sure? I don't know if she'll be up for it...um..alright, fine. I'll bring her later...alright.. bye".

Jimin hung up the phone and strolled over to the couch. He sat next to me and took in a deep breath. "Y/N," Jimin began, "Can I talk to you?"

I let out a small sigh and turned off my phone.
Whatever it is, it better be good.

"Your aunt invited us over for a small family reunion," Jimin said in one shot. I raised my eyebrows and looked back at my phone. "Small? Do you realize how big my family is?" I told him sarcasticaly.

"Come on Y/N, it'll be a great opportunity-"

"For what Jimin? For what?" I cut him off. I could feel how stuck Jimin was, but I ignored him. He let out a deep sigh and held both of my hands. I instantly moved my hands away and put them on my lap. "Yah Jimin! Stop doing that!" I yelled slightly.

What a mistake that was..

Jimin held my hands again and came closer to me. His eyes widened--almost like a puppy's-- and pouted his lips.

"Please Y/N? I promise that if you don't enjoy, we'll leave early. Can we please go? Pleaseee-"

"FINE!! Just leave me alone!!" I yelled in surrender. He let out a big half moon smile and kissed my cheek lightly. "Stop doing that too," I said as I wiped his kiss off.

---; 🍓 ;---

"Let's go Y/N! We're gonna be late!"

"I'd rather," I said to myself as I rushed downstairs. I picked up my purse and immediately went out the door. "Let's just get this over with," I said aloud.

Jimin smiled as he took my hands outside and lead me to the car. We both plopped into the car and drove in silence


"Are you excited to meet your family Y/N?" Jimin asked cheerfully.

He clearly doesn't know me well.

"I'd rather stay at home, but oh well" I said to him without making eye contact. He softly chuckled to himself and continued to drive. After what seemed like half an hour or so, we pulled over and parked.

"Remember, whenever you want to go home, we'll go, okay?" Jimin said softly. I nodded my head and knocked on the door three times. An elderly woman that looked almost in her sixties opened the door and gave me a giant bear hug.

"Y/N!" My aunt said cheerfully, "It's so good to see you! It's been ages hasn't it? Oh, i'm so glad you're here!! All your relatives are inside waiting for you! Come!"

We slowly went inside to reveal my relatives sitting in a circle around the living room table--the younger ones playing with their toys and the elder ones playing dominoes. They immediately stopped what they were doing and stared at me and Jimin, their eyes piercing our skin. No matter how much I wanted to run, I kept my composure and gave an awkward wave.

"Um..hi guys?" I said shyly. A head peeked out from the kitchen and widened her eyes. "Y/N!!!" my sister screamed on the top of her lungs. Everyone suddenly surrounded me and Jimin--including my mom--and gave us a ginormus hug. From pinching cheeks to pulling on my shirt, this was my average family. The only problem was that I stood out from everyone way too much.

"Who's this you have here?! Is this your boyfriend?" My sister asked as she tilted her head towards Jimin. I was about to say no, when all of a sudden-

"Yeah, she's my girl!" Jimin said cheerfully.


Everyone oohed and ahhed as they got a closer look at Jimin. I gave Jimin a deadly look as he kissed my cheek.

He's so dead.

"So how long have you been together for?" My older cousin asked.

"A month so far," Jimin said confidently. Questions continued to buzz around the whole room, each one sending me in complete shock and disgust.

"How did you guys meet?"

"We've been friends ever since we were little!"

"What's your favorite thing to do with her?"


"Did you have other girlfriends before her?"

"Only one. She was a mess".

"You look kinda pale Y/N, are you okay?"

All eyes drifted on me as--once again--my loud mouthed sister pointed me out.

"Yeah, i'm perfectly fine Z. I'm just gonna get some water," I lied as I stood up and walked over to the kitchen. I poured myself a glass of water and drank it slowly.

"Hello? Hey, it's Jimin..yeah, I was gonna call you about that..."

I turned my head slowly in confusion and made my way over to the sound.

"15? I thought it was 10-alright fine...yes, send her text now so that we could leave...make sure you hit her good so that she won't ever go back...Of course Nico..alright..see ya later..bye.


I leaned against the wall in shock as I realized that I got a text from Nico.

Hey, let's meet up. We need to talk.

Sunshine - p.jm - (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now