Chapter 2

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Copyright © 2018 Nicole Mckoy

Jacob P.O.V.

Even after twelve years she's still as beautiful as the day we said goodbye.

Traci being back in Roselake after all these years feels like a sign. I hope tonight we can catch up and reconnect. I wonder if she's even single. I didn't see a wedding ring on her finger.

Is it stupid of me to think she'd still feel for me what she once did? I mean is she over it.

I'm not. I never got over what we had.

Have I dated since our split yes. But did I move on. No.

I sprayed on some cologne and left my house. I live on my grandfather's old farm. I grew up here.

My father was an alcoholic and died when I was really young. My mother left me with my father shortly after giving birth to me. I never got to know my mother. All I had was a box of old photos of my parents from their younger years of being in love.

Although I never had my parents around my grandfather raised me to be the man I am today. He was a great honorable man. He was a veteran and one of the reasons I enlisted after high school.

I got in my grandfather's old truck that I fixed up. I headed to Traci's mother's house to pick up Traci.

If left like old times.

When I picked Traci up in high school for our first official date I drove my grandfather's truck to pick her up.

We sure did share a lot of memories going up and down the back roads in this truck. I even taught her how to drive stick shift with this truck.

This old truck got us through senior year then gave out. When I moved back to Roselake for good I fixed it back up just like new. I could never get rid of something this special.

I pulled into Traci's mother's driveway.

I parked the truck and got out.

I wore jeans, a button down shirt, and boots.

I walked up to the front porch like I'd done so many times before and rung the doorbell.

I checked my breath and nervously stood there waiting for Mrs. Taylor to open the door.

"Well don't you look handsome Jacob," Mrs. Taylor said when she opened the door.

"Thanks Mrs. Taylor," I said as she let me inside.

"Traci is finishing up getting ready. She'll be out in a minute," Mrs. Taylor said as she led me into the living room.

As I walked into the living room I saw the photo of Traci and I from our senior prom.

I think that is one of the last times I saw Traci genuinely happy.

I could remember her father grilling me that night about not deflowering his baby girl on prom night.

Traci's father always gave me a playful hard time. He would sternly warn me like any father would warn their daughter's boyfriend. But also treated me like apart of the family.

He knew deep down I wouldn't do anything to ever hurt his daughter.

Sad thing is a few short weeks after prom near graduation is when Mr. Taylor died.

Traci took the death so hard. She was a daddy's girl.

Sometimes I feel her father's death was one of the factors of her staying away from Roselake for so long.

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