Chapter 15

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Copyright © 2018 Nicole Mckoy

Jacob P.O.V.

Dear Jacob,

I have been away at school for a while now and have been learning a lot about myself. Living in a small town my whole life I never knew of the huge world outside of my safe bubble. I love you and know you love me but this long distance thing just isn't what I think is best for either of us at this age. We're both young and have a lot of life to experience. I hope we'll always stay in touch and be friends. But I can no longer be your girlfriend. I wish you the best in the military and hope to maybe see you at Thanksgiving or Christmas when I visit my mom. I wish you all the best with your future Jacob.

Love Traci.

I sat rereading Traci's letter wondering if I read it wrong. She didn't just break up with me did she?

She did!

She said we're young and have a lot of life we needed to experience. She wanted to experience that life without me.

How could she just break up with me in a letter like this?

We had just talked on the phone this morning and she didn't sound like a girl breaking up with me.

I dialed Traci's number trying to see if this was some kind of mistake or joke.

Her phone rang and rang then went to voicemail.

"Traci baby it's me Jacob. I just got your letter and I'm confused. You want to break up? Traci I know things have been rough since your father died but baby please don't do this. Don't shut me all the way out. I'm here for you and always will be. Call me back so we can talk about this. I love you."

I hung up my phone hoping Traci would hear my message and call me back.

She didn't have to shut herself off from the people that loved and cared for her most.

I was here for her no matter what she needed.

I woke up in a cold sweat and looked around.

I felt a body on top of mine and realized Laci fell asleep on my chest. I had my arms around her.

We'd fallen asleep on the couch while watching Christmas movies.

I had a dream remembering when I got the letter Traci sent me, breaking up with me.

I could still remember the confusion I felt. I remembered calling her and she never called me back. That letter was the last form of communication we had after she left for college.

She just dumped me in a letter and never looked back.

In my heart I was always willing to forgive her considering the mindset she was in back then. But now having her hide a whole fiancé from me was a little too much to forgive.

I was second-guessing her feelings for me.

I mean just hours before she came back here and was in bed with me she was living a completely different life in New York engaged to this other man.

She had been with him for six years.

She wanted me to believe that love was just dead.

Her feelings for him are just gone. Completely cut off.

Laci started stirring and woke up. She opened her eyes and looked up at me.

"What time is it?" she asked.

"I don't know like two in the morning," I said as we sat up.

"I guess we fell asleep," she said.

"Yeah we did. I should get home," I said.

"Jacob it's late just stay the night," Laci said.

"I really shouldn't. I have a lot on my mind," I said.

"A lot of Traci stuff?" she asked.

"I really wanted us to work this time but how can I trust that we're for real. I mean that guy is back in New York. She lives in New York. She wants me to believe her feelings for him are just gone," I said.

"What did Traci tell you?" Laci asked.

"She said she caught the guy cheating on her. She then got on a flight here after ending her engagement to him," I said.

"Then she jumped back into things with you," Laci said.

"Laci she and I made love. I was so serious about getting back together with her," I said.

"Jacob I know your heart was in it but Traci was trying to mend her broken heart. She knows you're a good guy and a guy she can trust. Do I think she used you... not intentionally? But I don't think she should have slept with you knowing you felt a deeper meaning to things," Laci said.

"I hate that she didn't tell me before but I can't help that my heart has ached for her and seeing her and holding her again made all that pain go away," I said.

"Jacob what happens when she goes back to New York?" Laci asked.

"I don't know," I said so unsure.

"Jacob Traci will always hold a special place in your heart and that's not a bad thing. But maybe she isn't the one anymore," Laci said.

"I need to go," I said as I stood up.

"Where are you going?" Laci asked.

"Thanks for cooking me dinner and watching movies with me to cheer me up. You're a great friend Laci," I said.

Laci stood up and I gave her a hug.

"Jacob just know I'll always be here for you," Laci said.

I slightly pulled back and locked eyes with Laci.

She cupped my cheek in her hands and leaned up towards me.

Softly she brushed her lips over mine.

I closed my eyes as we kissed.

For a moment I let myself just enjoy being wanted by someone. Being appreciated.

But then I thought about Traci and thought about how this happened before.

I quickly pulled away from Laci and Laci touched her lips.

"Jacob-" she started.

"I have to go. I can't do this with you again Laci and you know why," I said quickly before I left.

I hurried outside to my truck and got inside.

I pulled out of Laci's driveway and sped off.

I felt so guilty having just kissed Laci. I felt guilty before when she and I crossed that line.

Laci had been there for me after I went through a tough time. We got close. Closer than we should have.

I knew it was wrong to cross that line with Traci's best friend but so many years had passed and I just needed comfort.

Laci and I kept what happened between us hush hush. I mean this is a small town and people have speculated but never had proof. I never wanted Traci's mother to find out and tell Traci.

I didn't want what happened between Laci and I to ever affect a possible future Traci and I could have had, had we ever been given a second chance. 

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