Chapter 13

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Copyright © 2018 Nicole Mckoy

Jacob P.O.V.

I woke up with a pounding headache.

I sat up and felt like the room was spinning.

I held my forehead and tried to breath.

"You're awake," I heard a female voice.

I looked towards the doorway and saw Traci.

What was she doing here? Didn't she have a fiancé to go marry?

"Why are you here?" I asked as I sat up.

"I came to talk to you but then saw Laci dropping you off because you were drunk," Traci said.

"Well I had a reason to drink. You see this girl I've loved my whole damn life lied to me about being single," I said angrily.

"Jacob I never lied to you. Beck is my ex fiancé," Traci said.

"Ex or not! You never even told me you had a fiancé. You made it seem like you hadn't dated anyone serious since you left!" I said.

"Jacob can you please just let me explain. Laci didn't state all the facts when she went blabbing that I had a fiancé back in New York," Traci said trying to defend herself.

"Don't try to flip this and blame Laci for being a friend to me! At least she told me the truth since you're clearly too much of a coward to do so yourself," I said as I stood up.

"Jacob he and I broke up! I didn't feel it necessary to tell you about him," Traci tried to explain.

"When did you two break up?" I asked.

"Why is that important Jacob? He's my past you're my future," Traci said.

"What kind of future are you trying to build with me based on lies Traci! Holding back important information like having a fiancé even if he's an ex is something I think I should know," I argued.

"You're talking about me holding things back! Well what about you! You won't open up to me about your time in the military," Traci countered.

"Are you seriously trying to compare me going through hell to fight for this country to you having a man waiting for you at home!" I yelled.

"Jacob I would have opened up to you had you done the same towards me! We're both wrong," Traci said.

"Well that's the lawyer in you isn't it! Just pass around the blame so no one has to take responsibility! Traci get out of my house!" I yelled.


"GO!" I shouted.

Traci jumped back startled.

I looked across the room at her and saw tears in her eyes.

"Jacob I didn't mean to come off like I was lying or holding things back. Please can't you just calm down and hear me out. I love you," Traci said with eyes full of tears.

"I wish I believed those three words coming from your mouth right now but I don't. I was kidding myself to think this was actually a second chance for us. Go on back to New York and marry what's his name. There's clearly nothing important here for you in Roselake. That's why it's taken you twelve years to come back," I said hurt.

I walked out of the living room and headed back to my bedroom. I got to my bedroom and slammed the door shut.

I went and sat on my bed and put my head in my hands.

I tried to hold back but I started to cry.

The only girl that's ever had my heart just broke it in a million pieces.

It hurt like hell trying to get over her the first time. How was I ever going to move on from her again?

I heard the front door slam shut and I knew Traci was gone.

I had watched her walk out of my life once and managed. I'd just have to pick myself up and do it again but this time without looking back.

Traci P.O.V.

I cried the whole way over to Staci's house. I felt horrible and Jacob was so mad.

He yelled at me and I'd never seen him that angry before.

All I wanted was a chance to explain but he didn't want to hear it.

I pulled into the driveway at Staci's house. I got out and headed up to her front door.

I wiped my tears away and tried to get myself together as good as I could.

I rang the doorbell and waited for either her or Robby to answer.

A few seconds later Staci answered the door.

I broke down in tears again and she hugged me.

"Traci what's wrong?" she asked.

"Jacob's so upset with me. Can I come inside and talk?" I asked.

Staci nodded and let me inside.

We went to her kitchen and I sat down at the kitchen table. She made us some hot cocoa.

A few minutes later she sat down and had two cups of hot cocoa for us.

"What's wrong? Why is Jacob upset with you?" Staci asked.

"My ex fiancé from New York showed up today. Somehow Jacob found out about him from Laci and it was a whole mess. Laci made things seem worse than what they really were and that sent Jacob on a bender. I got to his house to explain and Laci was dropping him off and he was drunk. When he woke up from sleeping it off he was so angry. He didn't want to hear anything I had to say. He feels like I lied to him," I explained.

"So where is the ex fiancé now?" Staci asked.

"I dropped him off at the airport. Staci he cheated on me and I ended things. I came back to town a single woman. I never was trying to play Jacob," I explained.

"Well Jacob has always loved you. He never got over you. Did he tell you anything about the past few years of his life? Like after the military?" Staci asked.

"No. I've tried asking him and he won't talk about it," I said.

"I think I should let it be known that him and Laci are very close. When his grandfather died and he got back from tour he was a mess. Laci was really there for him. She let him have his time of rage and regret but then she whipped him back into shape. He's spent every Christmas since being back with Laci and her father. He's been doing so well but I have to say seeing you and him together again reminded me of high school. Jacob Witten has always been smitten over Traci Taylor. Everyone has always said that. But I have to admit that for a while there I thought he might have actually moved on..." Staci explained.

"Have... were Jacob and Laci dating at some point?" I asked.

"It's not my place to tell their business. Besides they've both been quiet about it if they were ever anything. You know it's a small town and people talk. I also know Jacob really respects your mother," Staci said.

"Do you think Laci might have told Jacob my business on purpose? I mean to make things seem worse than what they were to make him angry with me?" I asked.

"Laci's our friend. We've all been best friends since we were kids. I don't think she would purposely do anything to hurt you. But I do know after cleaning Jacob up the last thing she ever wants is to see him in that dark place again. Whether they're just friends or something more I know she's protective over him and really does just want the best for him overall," Staci said.

After talking with Staci I felt like Jacob had his own skeletons he was hiding from me. How could he be mad about Beck if he and Laci were a thing at one time.

I felt like now I needed to talk to Laci.

If we were truly best friends she owed me the truth about what ever she might have shared with Jacob whether it be past or present. 

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