Chapter 16

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Copyright © 2018 Nicole Mckoy

Traci P.O.V.

I stood by the Christmas tree looking outside the front window as I sipped on some hot cocoa.

It was Christmas Eve and nothing had gone as I thought it would. Before I came back to town I thought I'd be on a cruise with my then fiancé. Once I got my heart broken and came back to town and reconnected with Jacob I thought we'd be spending the holiday together.

Now I was spending the holiday alone. Well not completely alone. I still had my mom.

I could remember this time last year I spent the holiday with Beck and his family at a cabin in Aspen.

Last Christmas Eve was when Beck proposed to me in front of his whole family.

"How were the slopes Traci?" Beck's mother asked me.

Beck and I had gone skiing earlier in the day and he tried to each me the ropes of the slopes. I had never been skiing in my life and he had so he was a pro while I was a newbie.

"They were nice. Beck was doing great. I did alright. But mainly I just loved being out there with him," I said.

"I can see what happiness you bring my son. I have never seen him so serious about a girl in his life. I'm glad he met you. For a while there I thought he might never settle down. I mean I was scared he'd always be attracted to fast women. I'm glad he's found such a great respectable woman to be with. You fit right into our family and are like the daughter I never had," Beck's mother said.

"Thanks," I said as I gave her a hug.

Beck's mother and I got the Christmas cookies and eggnog. We walked back out into the living area where everyone was.

Beck and his two brothers were sitting near the tree. His aunt and uncle were sitting in the loveseat and his parents were on the couch. His younger cousins kids were playing with their toys. They had gotten to open up some of their gifts already.

I came over by Beck with a cup of eggnog.

I sat between his legs and leaned back against him as his arms came around me.

He kissed my cheek then moved from behind me.

"I have a special gift I want my girl to open," Beck said.

Beck pulled this small box from under the tree.

"Babe I want to open my gift tomorrow. I've always opened my gifts on Christmas day," I said.

"I know but this gift is special and we're around family. One early present won't hurt," he said.

I smiled and saw that everyone's eyes were on me.

Did they all know what he got me?

Beck grabbed my hands and stood me up. He handed me the small wrapped box.

I smiled at him and started to open it. Once I got the wrapping off I saw that it was a jewelry box.

Beck is always buying me sweet pieces of jewelry on special occasions. After our first year of dating I remember that Christmas he got me a pair of diamond earrings. Then the Christmas after that he got me a charm bracelet and every Christmas following that he gave me a new charm to add to it.

I opened the box and saw a ring charm.

I smiled and looked to Beck but he was no longer standing in front of me. Beck had gotten down on one knee and had this engagement ring in front of me.

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