Chapter 17

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Copyright © 2018 Nicole Mckoy

Traci P.O.V.

Jacob let me inside his house and I was glad. I felt we needed to clear the air and just talk things out while also listening to each other.

"We can come sit on the couch," Jacob said as he closed the door.

He walked off towards the living room and I followed him.

Jacob sat down on the couch and I sat down beside him.

"I'm so sorry for hurting you Jacob," I said.

I gently placed my hand to Jacob's back.

"Would you have ever told me about him had Laci not said anything?" Jacob asked.

I moved my hand feeling the coldness in Jacob's voice.

"Honestly no. Jacob I had no reason to bring him up. I ended things with him before I got on the plane home," I said.

"So you would have just left me here thinking we're something again while going back to New York to him?" Jacob questioned.

"No Jacob I wouldn't have done that," I said.

"You wouldn't have come back to Roselake had he not cheated right?" Jacob asked.

I thought for a moment.

"Probably not. But things happen for a reason Jacob. He cheated for a reason. I saw it for a reason. I also ended things between him and I for a reason. I came back home because of a broken heart. But being with you again mended my heart so fast. Jacob the love you have to give someone is so pure and I know I don't deserve it after the way I treated you in the past," I said.

"I really wish you had of just been up front with me before we got in bed together," Jacob said as he stood up.

Jacob walked over to the window and looked outside.

"Jacob while I respect your feelings and where you are coming from don't you think you're being a bit of a hypocrite?" I questioned as I stood up.

"How so?" he asked confused as he turned around and actually looked in my direction.

"Tell me about you and Laci. I hear you two got super close... closer than just being friends," I said.

Jacob looked down and seemed guilty.

"She was there for me during a really painful time. I owe my sobriety to her. I don't know where I'd be without her kindness and friendship," Jacob said.

"Were you two ever a couple?" I asked.


"Just say it Jacob. Tell me the truth. Lets put everything out on the table once and for all," I said.

"Ok..." he said hesitantly.

I slowly walked over to Jacob.

I gently took his hand and he looked into my eyes.

"She wasn't you. I knew crossing that line with her was wrong but I did it anyway. I started off being a few stolen kisses in the alley behind the pool hall. Then it progressed to movie night make out sessions and her cooking me home cooked meals..." Jacob revealed.

"Did you... Did you...." It almost hurt too much to ask.

"We slept together a few times," Jacob admitted.

I pulled my hand away from him.

Jacob quickly grabbed my hand back and pulled me into his chest.

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