Chapter 7

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Copyright © 2018 Nicole Mckoy

Traci P.O.V.

I woke up in Jacob's bed alone. It was the morning after Staci and Robby's Christmas party.

At the party Jacob had drank a few too many beers that I ended up driving us back to his place.

When we got inside he fell asleep right away. I had to help get his shoes off before he got in bed.

I hadn't seen Jacob drink so much before. I knew in high school he'd have a beer or two at a party here and there but he never got drunk. I mean his father was an alcoholic so I think he's always been mindful of his liquor intake.

I wondered to myself what made him want to drink so much last night.

I tried asking about his past and he seemed to shut down. Then when our friends asked if we were thinking about getting back together he shut that conversation down too.

I know I live in New York and Jacob lives here in Texas. But Jacob and I seem to still have something between us. Something I don't want to ignore.

He's still the sweet guy I remember him to be. I feel like he's the kind of guy I need in my life.

I got out of bed and went to the kitchen.

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a cup to get some coffee.

I poured myself some coffee and took a sip. As I drank my coffee I looked out the window and saw Jacob moving hay from the barn.

I put my cup down and headed to the backdoor.

I put on my boots and headed outside.

It was a good thing the farm Jacob inherited was private because I wasn't really dressed.

The land was very open and all his. You didn't see this kind of stuff in New York.

I walked to the barn and saw Jacob loading the hay into the bed of his truck.

"Morning," I said.

Jacob threw the hay in the back of his truck and headed back into the barn without a word.

"Jacob!" I called after him as I followed him.

Jacob reached for another bale of hay. But I quickly stepped in front of him.

"What's wrong?" I asked as I reached for his hand.

"Nothing I just need to get this hay loaded in my truck so I can deliver it," Jacob said.

"Ok... well good morning," I said.

I moved in closer to him and leaned up towards his face for a kiss.

"Traci I'm on a schedule here," Jacob said as he pulled away.

"Are you so busy I can't even have a kiss good morning?" I pouted.

Jacob sighed and took his cap off and wiped his forehead then put it back on.

Jacob looked so good. He had on one of his distressed caps, a t-shirt that was tight and showed his muscles, some jeans, and a pair of boots.

"Traci just because you're in town for another week doesn't mean my work stops. I got orders to fill," Jacob said dismissively.

"Jacob what's going on? You've been acting weird since last night. Does this have anything to do with our friends teasing us about getting back together?" I asked.

I know Jacob well and I knew he got uncomfortable with that topic of conversation last night.

"It was just jokes right... it's not like we'd ever get back together," Jacob said.

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