Chapter 4

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Copyright © 2018 Nicole Mckoy

Jacob P.O.V.

I woke up feeling empties in the other side of my bed. I opened my eyes and saw that Traci was gone.

Had I completely dreamed up last night?

Did I not make love to my high school sweetheart?

I got out of bed and saw a pile of my clothes and Traci's on the floor. That made my heart fluttered.

Last night was real.

We really did make love last night.

I picked up my boxers and put them on.

I noticed my shirt was missing from the pile and walked out of my bedroom.

As I walked down the hallway I could smell some good cookin.

I also heard Traci's angelic voice singing while having the radio blasting.

I stood in the kitchen doorway and saw her over by the stove. Her back was to me.

I heard her singing and moving her hips in a circle as she danced to the music.

"A burned out star in a galaxy. Just lost in the sky wondering why. Everyone else shines out but me..." she sung.

I came up behind her and wrapped my arms around her.

We swayed together as I sung along with her.

"I came to life when I first kissed you," we sung.

"The best me has his arms around you. You make me better than I was before," I sung.

Traci turned around in my arms and wrapped her arms around my neck.

"Thank God I'm yours," we sung.

Traci smiled and I pecked her lips.

She turned back around and reached over to turn down the radio.

"I was trying to surprise you with breakfast in bed," Traci said.

"That's sweet. What ya cookin?" I asked.

"Well eggs and bacon. You don't really have much to cook in here for breakfast," Traci laughed.

"Well it's just me and you know I usually skip breakfast. Besides last time I checked you didn't really cook," I laughed.

"Well Jacob that was twelve years ago. I'm more domesticated these days. Also don't sleep on my old cooking skills. I remember being able to put together a mean bowl of cereal with milk," Traci joked seriously.

"You're right your bowl of cereal could give others a run for their money," I joked.

Traci smiled and turned back around.

She turned off the stove and put the food on a plate.

She grabbed a fork and headed over to the table.

We sat down and that's when I realized she only made one plate.

She put the plate between us and got some eggs on the fork. She put it up to my lips and I took a bite with a smile.

She grabbed a piece of bacon and took a bite herself.

"I forgot orange juice," Traci said as she got up.

"I can't remember if I have any," I said as I ate a piece of bacon.

Traci came back to the table a few seconds later.

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