Chapter 10

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Copyright © 2018 Nicole Mckoy

Traci P.O.V.

I quietly got out of bed and put on my robe. Jacob was still sleeping and looked peaceful so I didn't want to wake him.

I opened my bedroom door and walked down the hallway to the kitchen.

I turned the corner and walked into the kitchen to see my mother pouring herself a cup of coffee.

"You and Jacob have fun breaking my rules last night," my mother scolded.

I blushed with embarrassment and was slightly afraid.

"Sorry mom," I said feeling like a kid again.

My parent's rules were always no boys sleepover or in my bedroom with the door closed. What can I say they have always been old school southern parents.

"I'm just teasing you although I do not condone you and Jacob getting intimate under my roof. I know you both are adults and will do what you want but please save that for when you are at his home not mine," my mother said.

"Noted I'll remember that next time," I said.

"So I guess its safe to say you two are enjoying each other's company," my mother said.

"Yeah, we're actually back together..." I said.

My mother put her cup of coffee down and looked at me concerned.

"Sweetheart I'm happy you and Jacob have reconnected and are enjoying yourselves while you're visiting for the holidays. But what happens when you go back to New York?" my mother asked.

"We're going to try having a long distance relationship again," I said.

"Are you sure you want that? Because remember when you left for college and shortly after ended things with Jacob. Also didn't you just get out of a serious relationship Traci? Sweetheart I don't want you moving too fast," my mother said.

"Mom I've known Jacob for years and we have a past. It's not like he's some random guy I just met at a bar and jumped into a relationship with. Jacob and I have always had a special connection and we're just picking up where we left off," I explained.

"I understand still having a spark but you and Jacob have both been living separate lives for over a decade. He's been through a lot and you have too. Have you two even discussed his time in the military?" my mother asked.

"Mom I told you he didn't want to open up to me about that," I said.

"Well if you two are in an exclusive relationship again I think he needs to let you know what you're in for. I love Jacob like a son and always will regardless of you two being a couple or not. But sweetheart Jacob has had a bumpy road over the years. Especially when he moved back after his grandfather died. It's not my place to speak for him or assume what he felt during a time of grief but if you two are going to be together he needs to be open and honest with you... you need to do the same with him as well," my mother advised.

"How bad was Jacob when his grandfather died?" I asked.

"He was very messed up. His grandfather's death happened right after something happened while he was on one of his tours," my mother said.

"Did Jacob get injured or something while he was in the military?" I asked.

"Traci ask him about it again and this time demand that he tell you what he went through if he wants a future with you," my mother encouraged.

After the conversation with my mother I was once again curious to know what Jacob had gone through while in the military.

I knew I didn't want to ruin Christmas by badgering him about his past. But I guess if we did want a serious future together I needed to know what I was in for with him.

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