Chapter 8

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Copyright © 2018 Nicole Mckoy

Traci P.O.V.

"I should be back late this afternoon. That gives me enough time to get your Christmas gift and you enough time to hang out with your girls," Jacob said.

"Sounds good. I was thinking I'd even cook us dinner tonight," I said.

"Really? I'd love that," Jacob said.

"Great. I'll see you back here tonight," I said.

"You can count on it," Jacob smiled.

Jacob leaned down and gave me a long kiss.

"I love you," he whispered against my lips.

"I love you too," I said back as he gave my lips one last soft peck.

Jacob walked out of the kitchen and left the house.

My friend Laci was going to come pick me up from Jacob's so we could go meet up with Staci. We were having a girls' day. I think they still had some last minute Christmas shopping to do and so did I.

I washed the few dishes left in the sink as I waited for Laci.

As I dried off the plates my cell phone rang on the counter.

I saw that Beck was calling me once again.

You'd think me ignoring his calls would give him a message loud and clear that I don't want to talk to him.

I sighed and dried off my hands.

Maybe I need to finally tell Beck to stop calling me.

I picked up my cell phone and answered the call.

"Hello," I said.

"Traci finally! Baby I've been calling you nonstop for the past few days," Beck said in a slightly worried tone.

"Really? I hadn't noticed," I said sarcastically.

"Baby I know you were pissed at me but I've given you some time to cool off. Where are you?" Beck asked.

"Beck I wasn't pissed I was disgusted! You cheated on me and acted like it was nothing!" I shouted.

I was getting angry all over again.

Did Beck not remember me walking in on him fucking his assistant!

"It was nothing! She meant nothing Traci and I told you that. Look tell me where you are. I can either come get you or wait for you to come back home," Beck said.

"Beck I'm not coming back to you. Did you not see I left your ring for you," I said.

"You also burnt my good suits. I get that I deserved that. But baby we're good together. We're in the middle of planning our wedding. Come on now... come home and stop this foolishness," Beck said.

"Foolishness! Beck what part of me not accepting your half ass apology are you not getting! You cheated on me and feel no remorse. I can't be with a man let alone marry a man that would treat me like that," I said.

"Traci we've been together six years! We're engaged! We have a life together! I had one weak moment!" Beck argued.

"One weak moment that I know of! Tell me Beck have there been other women through out our relationship! Other weak moments you've succumbed to!" I accused.

"Traci I put a ring on your finger! I want to spend the rest of my life with you! Why isn't that enough!" Beck argued.

"Why should that be enough? I deserve a man that is faithful to me and treats me like I'm his world! I deserve to be able to feel safe and loved by the man I'm engaged to! I deserve to be in a healthy relationship where there is trust and fidelity!" I argued.

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