1 - Drink Enough to Forget the Moment, Not the Night

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Shattering the heart of someone so innocent permanently destroys them. It leaves them so broken, and unable to put their pieces back together again. They are so hurt that they are unable to know how to trust again. How to love again. Their Innocence becomes permanently Broken.

That was her. She had her walls built up so high with her locked within. She keeps to herself never letting her problems come through. Everyone has issues so what makes hers worse than others?


I plugged my phone back up and set it back down on my desk. My attention was drawn to my bedroom door as I heard two knocks echo from it. I walked over and opened it. There Evan was standing in my doorway. Evan is basically my big brother. After everything happened a few years ago he took me in, and I'm so greatful. He's twenty-two and he can be an asshole most of the time, but I love him because he's the only person that I have now. He is my family.

"There's a party at eight at Matt's house are you going?" He leaned his head on the doorframe, and pressed his lips together while he waited for a response.

"I guess...you know i'm always up for a party," I shrugged my shoulders and replied with a small smile. Partying always got my mind off of things, and helped me to cope. If you can live and go crazy for a night without having a care of who's judging you because all you want to do is forget everything and be free. Why wouldn't you?

"Great, be ready by 7:45," I nodded, he walked off, and then I began to get ready. I found a taupe skirt from my closet and a black tube top and threw it on. I had to rummage through the pile of clothes on the floor to find my black boots. After finding them, I put some more makeup on to look presentable.

This is how I have been living my life. Evan finds parties around town. We go to escape life for a night. Going to parties introduced me to new people and friends, but I still feel lonely in the world. I try to fill my life with temporary things, but again nothing. There's an empty hole inside me and I will do anything to try to fill it. Life sucks, it really does. But, everything happens for a reason, that's what everyone says. I have yet to find that reason for my life. Maybe in the future I'll have a family. Maybe I'll get out of this town. Start fresh have a good life for once. I just want to be happy, but I haven't found any happiness in this life. Not yet maybe, maybe in another world.

I pushed my hair behind my left ear before I walked out into the living room.

"You ready?" Evan put his phone back into his pocket and stood up from the couch. I nodded. We walked out of the apartment and down the stairs to the car.

Evan pulled up to the curb, and parked the car. I waited for him to turn the car off before I opened the door and got out. I looked at the front of the house to see some people sitting on the steps with drinks in hand while others were making out a few feet away. I followed behind Evan as he walked up the driveway and through the front door.

"Ahh, my two favorite people," Matt walked over to us when we entered the front door. Matt is one of Evans best friends. They have been friends ever since high school. They always are found partying together. As you can see the tradition has yet to come to an end.

I greeted Matt, and then I made my way into the kitchen to grab a drink. But, don't worry Evan and I have rules. Drink enough to forget the moment, but not the night. That's our motto. Evan doesn't want me to make any mistakes that I would regret. But, really would it matter? There isn't anyone here to tell me how disappointed they are in me. So if anything were to happen it really wouldn't be disappointing anybody.

I poured myself a drink and took a sip. I sat down on the counter and scrolled through my phone. I glanced up a second later when my attention was caught by a boy walking into the kitchen. His hair was blonde, curly and softly pushed to one side. I've never seen him before. I've been to so many parties around town, and I've seen every person around Evans age at least once. I decided to make conversation with this boy because not knowing his identity intrigued me.

"You're not from around here are you?" I took a sip from my drink then flashed the boy a small grin. He looked back up at me.

"No I'm not, I actually just moved here about a week ago. I'm Ashton" The boy walked over and stuck out his hand, I smile and I gladly shook it.

"Classy I like it. Well newboy, my name is Alex Rae and welcome to Newcrest" I put my drink down on the counter and flashed him a smile.

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