4 - All Guys Have Bad Intentions

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I opened the apartment door to find it vacant. I don't know where Evan went, and I have no idea when he's coming back. But, I'm not too worried because he's done this before. He got mad at me and ran off, and I didn't see him until a week later. Who knows what he was doing. Partying, sleeping with tons of girls, and drinking I bet.

He means well, and I know all he wants to do is just take care of me. But all I do is be an asshole to him. I just wish that I had a normal life. A normal family, but both of us have no idea of what normal is. All we know is to party and drink and start the day again. It's so toxic, but we don't know any better. That's how we coped with what we went through. We never wanted to end up like our parents, but no matter how much I tell myself it's never gonna happen I feel myself spiraling down the same path as them. I never want to be them, but in someway the pain they put me through created a monster of who am now. In someway their torture took a piece of my innocence and turned it into a black hole, and no matter how I try to fill it everything sinks down to the bottomless end.

I shook my head from my thoughts and was brought back into reality. I'm stuck in this apartment for the rest of the night. Evan took the car and it's too late at night to be waking around by myself. I scanned the room and looked over at the couch.

"Netflix it is then," I mumble to myself as I plopped down on the dark brown couch that used to be light beige. I reached over to the side table and grabbed the remote so i could turn on the tv. After scrolling through my recommendations I decided on watching some clique sappy love story. I eventually got bored and drifted off asleep.

My phone began to ring. I reached over to grab it, but ended up rolling off of the couch. I rubbed head from the trauma I just endured.


I slid my phone unlocked and pressed accept.

"Hello?" I questioned. My voice was raspy from waking up a second before.

"Oh hey Alex it's Ashton...Sorry did I wake you up?" I scrunch my eyes and look at the clock on the wall. It's one in the afternoon noon.

"Um no, well yes...but I'm glad you did because I would still probably be asleep" I slightly chuckled.

"Oh ok, well Calum and I were going to the same cafe I saw you at yesterday, and I was wondering if you would like to meet us there?"

"Um yeah that'll be great. Around what time? I still need to get ready and take a shower," I looked at myself in the reflection of the glass balcony door. I am not going any where looking like this.

"Is two-thirty ok with you?" He questioned.

"Yeah that'll be great. I'll see you there," I told him my goodbyes and we ended the call.

I need to fix my disgusting appearance. So I drug myself from off the floor because I didn't feel like getting up from my fall, and then I went into my bathroom to take a shower. After taking a shower I dried my hair and went back into my room to pick out an outfit. I'm super simple and leggings with a sweatshirt is always my comfy outfit go to, and it's super chilly outside so I match the weather. I don't like to wear much makeup during the day unless I am going to a party. I usually never feel the need to impress anybody, but for some reason I felt the need to make myself look good to meet Ashton and Calum. I don't know if it's because I never have anyone to impress or because I don't go out much or that I somewhat care about what they think of me. I don't know I just feel different. I guess I'm glad I have someone else to talk to and tell about how I'm feeling.

I looked into my mirror one more time before grabbing my phone and exiting the apartments. I walked down the empty side walk while watching the cars pass by. The wind was icy on my cheeks and caused me to shiver. I pulled my hood up by my face and crossed my arms to bring more warmth to my body. I wish I didn't have to walk the streets by myself, but life's tough and you don't always get it's luxuries.

I walked up to the cafe and pulled open the door. The familiar coffee sent filled my lungs, and I scanned the building until I saw Ashton and Calum sitting in the same table I sat at the day before. They looked up when they saw me and waved.

"Hey Alex! Come sit down." Ashton got up and pulled out the chair for me.

"Thank you," I said as I sat down in the seat.

We ended up into another conversation about life, and all of the above.

"So what school are you going to?" Calum asked before taking a sip of his drink.

"Oh I don't go to school...I just take online classes," I replied. I actually had dropped out of school a few years ago and recently I have been trying to take some courses online.

"That's cool. Have you been thinking about going to college? Calum and I went to a two year community college in San Francisco so we would finish school faster, and have a decent enough education," Ashton replied.

I thought for a moment. "I mean I've always wanted to do something, and get out of this town. But, I don't really have enough credits from my online school for college. It honestly doesn't bother me too much."

We continued to talk for a moment more about college then the conversation led into parties.

"Oh so are you going to Mason's party tonight? It's supposed to be pretty big, and I think a lot of people are going." Ashton questioned.

"I don't really know I'll have to think about it. I don't really have a ride, and I don't feel like walking around at night," I replied back.

"We could pick you up. It's not a big problem. You actually only live a few miles down the street from us." Calum replied back.

"Yeah actually that would be grea..." I stopped midway when I looked out the window to see Evan sitting in his car. I got up and looked back at the guys. How did he find me?

"I actually have to go...um thanks for inviting me," I stumbled and began walking out of the cafe.

"Hey Alex text me if you need a ride" Ashton asked. I turned back to him and nodded before walking out of the building.

I grabbed Evans car door open the got in.

"Where the hell have you been?" I threw my bag on the floor and turned to him. He kept his head facing the window before turning over to me.

"Alex just shut the fuck up. It doesn't really matter does it? And i'm taking you home you're not going back in there with your friends." He started he car.

"I wasn't going to anyways, but why would you care," I crossed my arms and stared out the window watching the street lights pass by.

"Because you literally met them at a party, and slept over at their house. Guys always have bad intentions," He kept a strong stare at the road infront of him.

"Not all guys have bad intentions like you. Some guys actually just want to hang out with friends because you know what that's what fucking friends do." I spat back.

"I don't fucking have bad intentions
Alex. I'm not that kind of guy."

"Says the person who can bring home a different girl every night."

"They ask for it. I'm not forcing anybody to do anything or want to fuck every girl I see. Jesus what don't you get?! I'm just trying to keep you from getting hurt!" He shot back.

"You're so fucking low Evan really fucking low," I huffed back.

"Like what are you even trying to do? Protect me? Act like my dad? Well guess fucking what? I don't have one, and you will never ever be a replacement so don't even fucking try to act like you are "protecting me". Because you're doing a pretty shitty job at it,"I croaked out, and let a small tear escape an fall down my cheek. I jumped out of the car as soon as he parked and raced up to the apartments slamming the door behind as I went inside.

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