2 - Life's Tough

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After several drinks later, I broke my motto. I lost my self-awareness, and my night began to fade away. I'm more gone than just forgetting the moment. I can't help myself. I really don't want to do anything else other than try to make the the pain go away. Everything around me is a blur. I felt like I was just watching a movie, and listening to the things play out around me. Unable to take full control of my body anymore. Then I felt someone help me outside and set me down in a car.

I blinked my eyes open and closed as I watched the fuzzy city lights scatter around. I could faintly hear the sound the the radio buzzing in my ears. I closed my eyes again to try to drown out the noise. I fluttered my eyes back open when I felt the car come to a stop and the engine turn off. The passenger door opened, and someone wrapped their arm around me to help me out the car.

I tripped over the steps and almost fell over.

"Woah it's ok I got you," The person grabbed me before I fell over the steps. They went through the front door and into a house. I have no idea what is going on or where I am. I have no control, no self awareness.

"Hey how was the party...Oh i'm sorry I didn't know you were bringing anybody over. Um...I can leave if you want me to," I heard another voice say while my head was resting on someone's shoulder.

"No it's fine, She's just a friend. She didn't have anybody with her at the party, and she's extremely wasted. I just didn't want her going home by herself like this," The person who brought me in said.

"Oh ok, I'll go get her some water and a blanket," I heard a voice say from infront of me. I couldn't tell who it was, but it was at a distance. So i could tell thats it wasn't the person that brought me here.

The one holding on to me helped me over to the couch and gently sat me down. He put a blanket over me, and as soon as I closed my eyes I fell fast asleep.


I heard cabinet doors opening and closing, and the sound of someone humming. I fluttered opened my eyes.


I wasn't at my apartment. I was in someone's house and i had just woke up on their couch. I took the blanket off of me and sat up. I turned to face the kitchen after rubbing my eyes to see where the sound was coming from, and I saw a guy fumbling around. He was wearing plaid pajama pants and his fluffy brown hair was ruffled around his face. Well at least he was cute.

He froze and his eyes widened when he turned around and caught me staring at him.

"Uhhh...I'm sorry I don't mean to wake you up. Ashton went to get breakfast he'll be back soon though," The boy said to me. Who the hell is Ashton?

"Ashton?" I replied to him. I kind of forgot everything that happened last night.

"He brought you home from the party. You guys are friends right?" He questioned and turned his head slightly.

Oh Newboy.

"Oh yeah, I met him at the party last night. Did he take me home?" I pulled my hair up into a messy bun.

"Yeah you were like really, really drunk and he didn't want you to go home by yourself, but nothing happened. You just fell asleep on the couch," The boy told me.

Where the hell was Evan?

He tells me not to over drink so i don't end up going home with someone, but here I am in this situation again. Waking up in some random strangers house with no clue of how I got here or what happened the night before.

I realized that I was still in someone's house and I was just sitting there staring at the wall thinking. I rubbed my eyes and brushed my hair out of my face. I need to just go home and sleep off this hangover.

"Um, well can u tell Ashton thank you for me. I really need to get back home. Do you know where the nearest bus stop is?" I quickly blabbered and got up from the couch.

"I could drive you if you would like," He asked me.

"Oh no it's fine it'll probably only take like 20 minutes to walk to the bus stop."

"Well, the only closest bus stop is like 10 blocks from here so it'll take a lot longer than 20 minutes. I seriously don't mind taking you home," He told me again. Wow this boy is persistent. I looked him up and down and he didn't look too frightening.

"Yeah um...ok sure," I agreed. What's the worst that could happen he seems nice, and it'll be is just a short car ride to my house. He nodded and grabbed a set of keys off the counter and walked out the door. I followed him and slightly chuckled when i saw that he was still wearing his pajama pants. I definitely hope i won't get murdered by a boy in his pajamas. He opened the passenger door of a black Mercedes. I thanked him and sat down in the car.
He turned the car on and began driving.

"I never got your name. I'm Calum by the way," He asked breaking the silence.

"Alex," I replied very quick and abrupt.

"Where do u live again?" He asked while glancing his eyes from the road and back to me.

"Oh sorry...so just take a right at 4th street, and it's going to be the Hill apartments on you're next left," I gave the directions to Calum as he drove to my house. A moment later he pulled into the apartments and parked the car.

"Um thank you for taking me home, and tell Ashton thank you for me. I'm really sorry I was super drunk and if i said or did something crazy I didn't mean it." I looked over at him before I got out of the car.

"Your welcome, but it's really fine. I know it's really easy to get carried away, but I'm really glad that no one with bad intentions took you home."

"You have no idea really. Being a seventeen year old in that situation is not fun." I shook my head recalling bad memories.

"Wait you're seventeen? What were you doing alone at a college party?" He questioned and furrowed his eyebrows. I paused and turned to face him.

"Life's tough Calum. I'll see you around." I gave him a small smile before I got out of the car, and walked up the stairs to my apartment.

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