3 - Tell Me About It

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I opened my apartment door and gently closed it behind me. Knowing Evan he's probably still sleeping.

Of Course.

I shook my head when I saw a girl asleep on top of him on the couch. I rolled my eyes and went into my bedroom and then into my bathroom to take a shower since I hadn't taken one the night before.

I cut the water off and wrapped a towel around my body. My head was still pounding so I opened the cabinet and grabbed the bottle of aspirin from off the shelf, and took the medicine with the water from the faucet. I wiped my hands and dried my face before walking back into my room and changing into black leggings and black tank top. I heard the front door close and heavy footsteps stomp towards my door. I rolled my eyes and turned around when my door swung open.

"Where the hell have u been? I called you and texted you and you never answered me! You're fucking seventeen! I'm promised to take care of you. You can't just sleep over at someone's house or roam the streets at night or whatever the hell your were doing without saying anything!" Evan threw his hands up and yelled at me.

"Says the person who just left me at the fucking party so you could bang some whore! I was drunk and luckily a friend took me home and not some hormonal perverted college frat!" I screamed back at him.

"She's not some fucking whore! And I never left you! I stayed an hour after the party looking for you! Then I saw your dumbass leave with some guy!" Evan spat back.

"Fuck you I was drunk and so were you! I'm here and i'm fine so just calm down! All I did was sleep over at his house nothing happened!" I rolled my eyes at his clearly hungover, overly irritated, angry self.

Evan went to reply, but stayed silent and clenched his jaw before he stormed out of the room. We were both pissed and being in the same room together a moment longer would cause hell to erupt. A second later the front door slammed shut causing me to flinch.

I need to get out of this house. I need to just go somewhere and calm myself down. My head was still pounding from the night before, and Evans hungover argument only added to my insanity.

I threw my hair up with the rubber band on my wrist, and grabbed a sweatshirt from my closet. After sliding the sweatshirt on I grabbed my phone and walked out of the apartment. I don't know where I'm going. I just need to walk, and forget about everything at the moment.

I ended up walking to a small cafe on the corner of a quaint neighborhood. The cafe had a cute small sitting area on the outside enclosed with a fence. I pulled the large glass door open and went inside. As I opened the door a wave of coffee beans and sugary pastries filled my lungs. I took a second to admire the artwork lining the walls before walking up to the counter to take my order. An older gentle man with snow white hair and wide rimmed glasses greeted me and I gave him my order.

"Can I have a small iced coffee with vanilla?" I asked the gentle man while pulling my money from my wallet.

"That'll be 4.34$," I thanked him and handed him the money.

I grabbed my drink from the counter and sat down at the table in the corner next to a tall bookshelf filled with plants and colorful coffee mugs.

"Alex?" I looked up from my phone to see Ashton walking over to me with a coffee in hand.

"Oh hey Ashton," I greeted him with a small smile.

"Mind if I sit?" He question and pointed to the empty chair across from me. I shook my head and he pulled the chair out and took a seat.

"Hey really thank you so much for letting me stay over at your house. It really really stupid of me to get that drunk. I hope I didn't do anything too embarrassing," I took a sip of my drink.

"Oh no it's totally fine. I'm just glad that you're ok and made it home safely. There were some crazy people at that party." He pushed his hair out of his face.

"Tell me about it," I slightly chuckled.

We eventually stumbled into a long conversation about which coffee is better and life in general. I've never had a conversation like this before. Where you felt like you could tell all your problems. I felt so open to Ashton. I felt like I could just tell him anything after only meeting him the day before, but I didn't. I'm too scared to open up to others. I'm scared of what they will think about me. I don't know how to tell others my feelings I keep them bundled inside me, and I know one day they will eventually explode. I kept listening to him as he told me about how him and Calum moved here from San Francisco, and how they just wanted to escape the loud city and move somewhere where the streets weren't too crowded and everyone almost knew everyone. He told me about how he hated large crowds and loved to just be alone and be himself. I love that. I love the thought of letting go of everything, and not having a care because you are just living.

I really wish it was that easy.

We exchanged numbers, and he told me to call him if I needed anything ever. That he would always be there to talk even if it's two in the morning and I can't decide if I should watch a movie or go to sleep. I've never had anyone be there for me like that.

"I'll see you around Newboy," I got up and gave him a hug.

"Bye Alex, and don't forgot what I said. If you every need anything i'm here. Even if you just want to hangout text me Ok?" He hugged me back.

"Thank you. I'll definitely take you up on that offer. Bye," I smiled and waved at him one more time before opening the cafe door and walking back to my apartment.

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