11 - Don't Break His Heart

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I stepped out of the car onto the pavement of the driveway. Calum's leather jacket still rested upon my shoulders blocking me from the cold. I looked up at their house. It was small, but it was homey. I want to feel that. I wish I could have a home of my own. One that is actaully mine, and where no one could tell me how to live my life. I want a life where I'm better off. I want a family, and I want someone to be there for me to care about me. I sighed at my thoughts and continued behind them into the entrance of the house.

I shrugged the jacket from off my shoulders and handed it over to Calum.

"Thank you," I told him in the process, and he nodded in return. Then he walked off down the hall. I'm assuming he went to place the jacket back into his closet. Ash walked over and into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water. I followed him and sat down on the barstool. Ash placed his bottle on the counter and stood across from me.

"Alex, why were you out all by yourself this late?" Ashton asked while flipping off the cap of the bottle and taking a sip.

"I needed some air it gets too stuffy in that apartment," I quietly responded back to him.

"Alex you know you can talk to me...I'm here for you."

"There's nothing to talk about," I replied back. I don't want to talk. There's nothing that I want to say, and if there was it wouldn't matter. He nodded and stayed silent for a moment. Calum came back from down the hall with a shirt in hand. He walked over and sat it beside me on the counter. I looked at the black t-shirt and back up at him.

"I thought you might want something a bit more comfy to sleep in," he said to me as I looked at the shirt.

"Oh...thank you," I picked up the plain black shirt and held it in my lap. The fabric was soft and felt worn. I stood up from the barstool and walked to the bathroom that was down the hall. I went inside and locked the door closed behind me.

Seeing myself in the mirror was a not a pretty sight. My cheeks were red and frost bitten from being out in the cold. My eyes stained by a black rim from the smudge of my mascara. I bent down to the running water of the sink and splashed it against my face. The warm water rinsing away the excess makeup, and tingling my frozen cheeks. I looked back up at the mirror and watched as the water ran down my face.

What am I doing with my life?

I stood there for a second longer and I watched as a tear slide down my face. I wiped it away and grabbed a towel to dry my face. I hung the towel back on the rack, and grabbed the handle of the door to exit the bathroom. I walked outside and didn't look infront of me. I bumped into someone and almost fell in the process.

"I'm sorry," I said to the person who had my arms now pressed against their chest. I looked at his arms that were now wrapped around mine, and we're the only reason that kept me from falling down.

"It's okay," Calum said in return then he looked down my body and back up at my face. I had on the shirt he gave me. It was a bit big on me and it fell a little bit before my knees.

"Looks good on you," he said as he bit his bottom lip and let out a slight laugh. The way that he looked at me made feel something. That look he gave me. I think Im falling for him, and I think I'm falling hard.

You can't Alex you're gonna break his heart, or worse he'll break yours.

I shook my head because I realized I was still in a daze thinking about him.

"Oh...um thanks," I softly replied back in awkward manner. He ran his fingers through his hair, and nodded in return. I pursed out my lips and slowly shook my head while looking over to the side. I was trying to come up with a way to escape this awkward tension.

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