5 - Bottled Up Emotions

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I ran into my room and locked the door behind me. I threw myself onto my bed, and just cried. I can't take this anymore. I can't take this fucking apartment. I hate my life. I hate the way I'm living. I wish I had a fucking family. Evan is in no way someone to look up to, but he's the only fucking person I have to take care of me. I'm an asshole to him, but he deserves it. I can't take his two sides. I know it's gonna happen one day. He'll come home again extremely waisted and it's so dangerous. He can't control himself. I know him and I know he wants to just take care of me.  I'm just so scared he's might hurt me, but I don't know what else to do. It's hell im living in straight hell.

I need to get my mind away from things. I wiped my face and picked up my phone, and texted Ashton.

I'll take you up on that offer. Pick me up at 8? - Alex

See you then X - Ash

I went into my bathroom and washed off my smeared makeup. I walked back into my room and over to my closet and threw on jeans a black sweater, and my black heels, and then I put on some makeup. I didn't over do it because I really didn't feel like impressing anybody. I'm just going to have a good time and forget about everything.

I never heard the front door open so Evan either was outside or he left. I know he's not going to want to let me leave.

I walked out of the house and down the stairs. I smelt the smell and smoke and immediately rolled my eyes when I saw Evan leaning against the brick wall.

"Now where the hell are you going?" He took his cigarette from his mouth then asked me in an annoyed tone. I kept my head down and kept walking, but he grabbed my wrist holding me back.

"Let go of me," I tried to shake my hand away, but he tightened his grip.

"Alex I fucking asked you a question!" His face tightened, and he raised his voice.

"I'm going to a party, and I don't care if you're going to tell me no. Now goodbye," I quickly jerked my arm away when he loosened his grip, and walked away. I looked up and saw Calum's car parked in the parking lot. My cheeks flustered slightly as I realized that they saw Evan grab my wrist. I kept my head down until I reached the car. Ashton opened the door for me and I got in. Evan watched me the whole time as I got into the car, and Ashton made a strong glance toward him then he got into the car.

Calum started the car and drove off. The ride was silent until Ashton broke it.

"Alex do you know that guy?" He questioned me. I was quiet for a moment before responding.

"Yes," My answer was short and abrupt. Evan was the last person I wanted to be thinking about right now.

"Are you related to him? How..." He looked concerned and started to ask more questions, and I interrupted him mid sentence.

"Can we not talk about this right now? I just want to go to the party, and have a good time" I replied back, and kept my focus on the window. I don't care if I sounded rude. He doesn't need to know everything, and I don't want to talk about anything right now. Ashton nodded and didn't speak another word until we arrived at the party. Ashton got out of the car and opened the door for me. I sat there a moment before exiting the car. Calum followed behind as we walked up the front steps and into the frat house.

We entered the building. The room was filled with neon hazy pink lights, and loud music that buzzed, and made the whole house vibrate. College kids were dancing around the living room. Some were making out and some where just hanging out. I walked past the crowd and went straight into the kitchen to get a drink. Ashton and Calum followed me inside. I grabbed a cup from off the stack, and Ashton grabbed a bottle of vodka. He walked over and poured some into my cup.

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