Chapter One

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I tap my pencil against my bottom lip, moving my leg up and down in a fast pace, eyes flickering back and forth between the teacher and the projector screen. My breathing is wavering, eyes cutting in and out of focus. I drop the pen onto the desk, finger nails digging into my skin as I scratch at it nervously, body feeling as if it's been electrocuted. The bell finally rings, my body jolting from the sound. I pack my things up quickly, moving quickly out of the classroom and down the hall. I move down the set of stairs, gripping my binder tightly to my body. I move down the next hallway, slipping into the bathroom. I drop the binder onto the counter, gripping the sides tightly as I take in shaky breaths. I look up at myself in the mirror, taking in my appearance. My stormy grey eyes show how worried and nervous I am, my bottom lip trembling slightly. My complexion seems much paler than normal. I jump slightly as the bell rings, remembering what I've been told to do. I take in deep, measure breaths, my grip loosening as I do. I allow my body to relax, slumping forward slightly. I move my shaky hand, turning on the water. I take my glasses off, splashing water onto my face, patting it dry with a paper towel before sliding my glasses back onto my face. I grab my binder, leaving the bathroom and heading towards the set of stairs. I take them, heading towards the other side of the school, where my locker is located. I twist the dial, unlocking it. I grab my lunchbox, dropping the binder into the locker. I leave the locker, locking it before leaving. I head to the classroom I eat lunch in, pushing the door open.

"There you are, I was getting worried," Drew says, shooting me a calm smile before moving so I can slide into my seat, "are you okay?"

"Yeah," I lie, shooting the male a smile. He shoots me a look, one that shows he's not buying my act. I turn my attention back to my lunch, sliding the straps of my bookbag off my shoulders. Allen walks into the room, Faith behind him.

"God, Mr. Rex isn't giving us any break's with all this homework!" the blonde male whines, "Thea, you're good in Chemistry right?" I nod my head, glancing at Drew before looking back at his friend, "could you help me study?"

"Sorry Allen, she's my tutor," Drew says, throwing an arm around me. I roll my eyes at the male, pulling out my food, "looks good," he hums, grabbing one of the forks. I smile at him, pushing the dish between us as I slowly eat. I pull out a drink, popping it open. I sip at it, handing Drew his which he just chugs down. I roll my eyes, continuing to eat and listen to the conversation going around. I start packing up, tossing the forks intot he dish before putting it inot my lunch box. I grab my bag, getting out fo the chair.

"See you," Allen yells, waving at us stupidly as we leave the classroom. I roll my eyes, moving towards my locker with Drew behind me. I unlock it, tossing my lunch box into it before switching around my books.

"Is mom working today?" Drew asks, following me away from my locker as the bell rings. I nod my head to answer his question, moving closer to him as the hallway fills with kids. We move down the stairs, moving into English, "Mrs. Salvatore!" Drew yells, waving happily at Mom. The older women smiles at the male, shaking her head. I move over to her, giggling at my best friends actions.

"I had an anxiety attack during Chemistry," I whisper into her ear, "I was able to slightly calm myself down," the women sighs, taking my arms gently, rubbing the spot, "crap," I hiss, glaring down at my arm. She hums, sending me back to my seat as everyone enters the classroom, the bell ringing. I slide into my seat, Drew turning to look at Mom.

"Good Afternoon, my names Mrs. Salvatore, I am the substitute today. The teacher never left any instructions, so I've given the other classes an option, have a free period, or watch a movie," everyone decides on a free period. I pull out my homework folder, pulling out the Chemistry homework. Drew turns to face me, pulling out the same homework. We work on it together, helping each other along the way. We finish, me pulling out another assignment for one of my AP classes. I work on it as I vaguely listen to Drew speak, laughing at something one of his friends said. I finish it before the bell, putting everything away. Drew walks me out of the classroom as the bell rings, taking me to my study hall before heading to his next class. I smile at the gesture, finding my seat up front. I pull out the rest of the homework I have, checking the homework I haven't turned in yet. The bell rigns, the class rolling by. I head to my next class, which is a random elective I wanted to take. I walk into the cooking classroom, smiling at the older teacher. I set my things down, sliding into the seat as the four other students walk into the classroom.

"Do you want to start cooking today Thea?" Mrs. Asher asks.

"No, I don't think any of us have the right shoes," I say, shaking my head. She nods, shrugging.

"Alright, then you can help me clean up a little," I shrug, following her towards the back. We spend the period helping her clean up after her last class. I grba my things, heading to my last class.

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