Chapter Ten

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I giggle into Jung-guk's mouth, pushing against his chest softly, pushing him back a little bit.

"We're in school," I giggle, shaking my head at the male. He shrugs, pressing his lips back onto mine, "Jung-guk, our date!" I giggle, breaking the kiss, moving my ehad to the side. He trails kisses across my cheek bone, stopping at my ear.

"If you insist," he rasps, making me giggle. He backs away, grabbing his bag. I grab mine, following him out of the school. We climb into my car, Jung-guk driving this time, "Allison told me about this cute little diner," he says, my eyes widening. I look over at him, a smile spreading onto my lips, "I'm guessing you know it,"

"We use to go every Sunday, get breakfast there as a family," I hum, smiling at the memory, "it has the best food," Jung-guk chuckles, taking my hand. He pulls into a parking spot. He pulls me insdie, pulling us over to a back booth. I giggle, shaking my ehad at him. We look over the menu, my eyes shining as I look it over.

"Well I'll be- Thea Salvatore," my eyes snap up to the older women that owns this diner. I smile at her, "and who is this handsome man?"

"Jung-guk, Kimberly, Kimberly, Jung-guk," I giggle, Kimberly taking his hand. Jung-guk even bows deeply to her, making my eyes light up even more.

"Polite, you've got a keeper," my eyes lock with his, "the normal?"

"Yes, for both of us," she nods, Jung-guk chuckling, "you'll love it," he takes my hand, rubbing circles on the back of it.

"I don't doubt it," I hum, "you've told me about your Dad, but in one of those pictures there was another male," I look down, sighing. I moving around, pointing at a picture hanging on the wall.

"That's me and my twin brother Tyler," I say, "Tyler was with Dad when the crash happened, they were coming back from getting the last minute things for dinner," I say, grabbing his other hand, "Tyler insisted on going, and no matter how hard I tried, he wouldn't budge. I never knew the last thing that we'd do was fight," I whisper, "he was the one person I trusted, apart from Drew. Tyler was my other half, he was part of my soul. When I ehard of the news, I broke down. Tyler died in the hospital, having gone into emergency surgeroy. Dad died instantly," I whimper, "I wish Tyler died instantly, he wouldn't have gone through all the pain he did,"

"Hey, don't cry," Jung-guk says, moving to the same side as me, cupping my face, "I may not have known him, I damn well wish I did. If he is anything like you, I am sure we would've gotten along just fine. I'm am sure he's right by your side, watching over you," I wrap my arms around him, cuddling into his chest. Plates are set down in front of us, Kimberly wiping away my tears.

"Tyler was a sweet kid, lost his life way to damn soon, same with Alexander," I hum, "please keep coming back dear, I miss having the Salvatore's in here,"

"I will Kimberly, I've missed this place too," she hums, leaving us be. We eat, talking about some funny times as children. I tell him all about Tyler, expressing my love for my twin. We end the night with milkshakes, sharing one together. He leads me out into the rain, sliding intot he driver seat. We head off, heading back to my house. My finger nails dig into my skin, my nerves jumping off the edge. I sink my teeth into my bottom lip, my heart picking up rapidly. Finally, the house comes into view, Jung-guk pulling into the driveway. A scream leaves my lips as my body is whipped around, something slamming intot he back end of our car. The car finally stops moving, my eyes flying open. I look over at Jung-guk, a sigh leaving my lips as he strres right back at me. He cips my face, pulling me closer. I frantically unbuckle the seatbelt, getting out of the car. Jung-guk rushing to my side. He wraps his arms around me, looking around the dark street. My eyes move over to Allison as she rushes out of the house, Mom behind her. Other neighbors rush out fot eh house, my eyes moving towards the car parking close by. My hands grip Jung-guk's wet shirt tighter, the car squealing off.

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