Chapter Thirteen

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I set the curling wand down, spraying hair-spray into my locks before ruffling my hair. I sigh deeply, looking over myself before leaving the bathroom. I change into the long, black long sleeve dress. A slit goes from about mid-tight down, the back completely open, the neckline deep, but not very deep. I add a apir of black heels, adding some fancier assecries to the outfit. I grab my bag, leaving my bedroom. I kiss Prince's head before heading downstairs, Mom already at the door. I smile at the women, feeling lucky for having Mother like her. She smiles at me, taking my hand as we leave the house, Allison following behind us. We all climb into the limo, the driver taking us to the hotel it's being hosted at. We get out of the car, a younger male helping me out. I nod my thanks, following the two older Salvatore women into the hotel. We are escorted to the ball room, the room being extremely large, people filling it easily. Mom and Allison btoh grab a cup of champagne, me denying any.

"Ah! Mrs. Young, and Miss Young's," an older Korean male says, "welcome to my little business meeting here, Kim Indrustries are hoping to expand into America and I was hoping for some help," the male chuckles, Mom humming, "shall we disucss business?" Mom leaves, speaking softly to the male in Korean. I sigh, Allison slipping off somewhere. I look around the place, feeling uncomfortable in a room with so many people. My body is spun around, colliding with Jung-guk's as music fills the room, couples slow dancing. Jung-guk pulls into the loop, swining me around effortlessly.

"You were invited?" Jung-guk asks, eyebrows furrowed. I giggle, shaking my head at him.

"I didn't exactly say the whole truth about my Dad, his Korean name is Young Jin-young, CEO of Young-Elk Coporations," I explain, Jung-guk smirking down at me. I blush, looking away. He pulls me closer, spinning me around before pulling me back again. I pull him off the dance floor, moving towards a quieter corner.

"I'm sorry I haven't been talking as much," Jung-guk sighs, looking around the place, "it's been crazy with Dad here,"

"I hope he's not taking you back with him," I whisper looking down.

"Drew said-" I hum, nodding.

"I know what I said to Drew, I-" Jung-guk chuckles, putting his fingers under my chin, pulling my head up so I can look at him. I blush even harder, his smirk growing. He takes my hand, pulling me out of the ball room, and into a smalel hallway. My back hits the wall, lips covering mine. I hum into the kiss, hands tangling into his shirt. His hands are roaming my bare back, sending shivers up it. His tongue darts out aginst my bottom lip, my lips parting for his tongie to slip it. I moan into the kiss, his hand gripping my ass gently. I press myself against him even more, if possible. One of my hands moves up his chest and neck, pulling at his dark hair. He pulls away from my lips, both of us panting for air, "I'm willing to fight, if you are," I whisper, lips brushing his as he smiles at me, nodding his head before pressing his lips back onto mine.

"Jung-guk," he tears himself away from me, turning to face the male that called his name. I hurriedly fix myself, moving next to Jung-guk, Mom smirking at me knowingly. I roll my eyes at her, looking at Mr. Kim.

"Father, this is Thea Salvatore," Jung-guk says. I smile, looking up at him as he uses Mom's maiden name. He smiles down at me, entertwining our fingers. I move closer to him, laying my head onto his arm.

"Miss Young," Mr. Kim hums, "it seems my son has already caught the eye of one of your daughters Elena," Mom chuckles, nodding her head.

"It does seem like Kim," Mom chuckles, "come on children, I am sure this is boring for you two," I bite my lower lip, milling over Allisons words, watching ehr approach us, raising an eyebrow.

"Mr. Kim," I say, "I was wondering if I could talk you into letting Jung-guk stay here," the male looks at his son before back at me, a soft smile on his lips.

"Oh don't worry darling, I can already see he's more needed here than at home," the male chuckles, "enjoy the rest of your night kids," I let out a squeal as they leave us alone, throwing my arms around the male. He chuckles, picking me off the ground as he hugs me.

"Come on, I know how much you hate heels," I laugh, nodding my head. He leads me outside, helping me into an SUV. It takes us back to my house, me rushing straight to my bedroom, stripping out of the dress and heels. I pull on a pair of sweats and a tnak top. I wash my face, throwing my hair into a pony tail before heading downstairs, watching Jung-guk loosen his tie, lounging against the couch. I giggle, blushing as he throws me a wink.

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