Chapter Seven

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"Come in!" I yell, tossing the paper towel out. I listen to the soft footsteps, looking over my shoulder as Jung-guk enters the kitchen, holding a bag. I let out a sigh, body relaxing against the counter. He sets it down behind me, standing in front of me smiling.

"I figured you'd be hungry," he says, looking into the living room, "did she eat?"

"Yeah, she wanted something simple thankfully," I say, "now it's just time to watch her, do chores and wait for her to get tired, which shouldn't be long," I hum, smiling up at the male, "I really appreciate you helping me," Jung-guk looks down at me, a smile on his lips, lifting his shoulder in a shrug. I roll my eyes, moving past him to load the dishwasher. He helps me unload and reload it, it going by quickly with his help.

"Auntie!" I smile donw at the light haired child, "i'm sleepy," Jung-guk bends down, poking her nose cutely.

"Well, then let's get you to bed," he says, Elizabeth giggling while noddoing. He picks her up, my mouth dropping open. He looks at me over his shoulder. I snpa out of my shock, moving past him. I lead him to Allison's room, grabbing the baby monitor, hooking it to my jeans. I kiss her head, closing the door behind me, the light hum of the music coming from the room. I pull Jung-guk back downstairs, shaking my head. We take the food up to the lounge, putting on a movie to watch while eating.


"This is all from your anxiety?" Jung-guk asks, rubbing on of my marks on my wrist. I nod my head, popping the last fry into my mouth. He hums, pulling me a little closer to him, rubbing his thumb gently over the multiple marks on my arm, looking at the other one, "both arms?" I nod again, "what happens?"

"I don't know how to explain it," I say, "I just start getting really nervous, blood rushing into my ears almost, body twitching, heart racing. I start sctraching and I don't stop. I don't know i'm doing it till it's done," I say, "I will also have attacks, some can be really bad,"

"When was your last one?" I stop moving, thinking back.

"A couple weeks ago?" I question, "normally I have one every day, or at least a couple days out of the week," Jung-guk hums, rubbing the back of my hand softly, "I don't know,"

"Well, let's hope you can stay away from them," he hums, moving to start cleaning up, "I'll celan up, you go get into comfy close," I roll my eyes, listening to him. I skip into my bedroom, peeling off the skin tight clothes, jumping into the shower quickly. I take a quick one, drying off before pulling on a tight tank top and a pair of cotton shorts. I throw my hair up into a bun, leaving the bathroom. Jung-guk is in my room, laying on my bed waiting for me.

"You can take a shower, did you bring clothes?" I ask, the male nodding. He moves past me, hand brushing my exposed skin softly. I shiver, shaking my head. I flop onto my bed, grabbing my phone. I pull up Netflix onto my TV, flicking through the options. The bathroom door opens slightly, letting the steam out. I glance over, my mouth drying, eyes widening as I catch a glimpse of Jung-kook in the mirror, his chest and torso on display. His eyes lock with mine, mine snapping away from him quickly. I sink my teeth inot my lower lip, fighting the urge to peak in on him. The door squeaks open fully, a blush rushing up my enck.

"Did you find anything?" he asks, moving towards me. I glance at him, breath catching as I look over his chest and torso. I snpa my eyes back to the TV, watching him put on a shirt out of the corner of my eyes.

"Not yet, most of them are romantic movies I think," I grumble, "we could watch a show?" I suggest, shrugging. I move over, giving him space. I look at the baby monitor, smiling at Elizabeth sleeping peacefully.

"Put that one on," I listen to him, clicking the movie. I put my phone down, leaning back into my pillows, "this is a good movie," he hums, smiling as it starts playing. I hum, watching the movie, not having to bother with the subtitles. I furry my eyebrows in confusion as one of them speaks.

"What is he saying?" I whisper, trying to wrack my brain for the right meaning.

"He's telling her that he loves her, that she is his soulmate," Jung-guk whsieprs into my ear, hot breath hitting my skin teasingly. I hum, nodding my head, "who was that Parker guy my first day?" I look down at my hands, fiddling with them nervously. A larger hand grabs them, keeping them in his. I look up at him, his eyes already locked onto me.

"He was someone I dated a while ago. Whne I lost my dad, he wasn't supportive and demanded I always be with him. He was suspended after a janitor found me beaten in the bathroom, barely moving," I whisper, "he's been gone for a while now, but I guess his Mother fought for him to come back, saying I was lying or some shit," fingers grip my chin, "he wanted me to do things I didn't want to, trying to frove me into shit. He didn't even want me to go to my Dad's funeral," I grumble, looking into his eyes. He cups my cheek, eyes filled with anger, sadness, worry, and something else. Kindness? Want? My lips part, his eyes flickering down to them, his tongue darting out to lick his own lips, eyes moving back to mine as I watch the path of his tongue.

"And what about you and Drew? Are you two a thing?"

"N-No. He's like a rbother to me, and plus, Drew's gay," I whisper, "his Mother doesn't know yet, he doesn't know how to come clean about it," Jung-guk hums, pulling me closer. His lips cover mine, them being just as soft as they look. My eyes flutter close as he slowly moves them against mine, my own moving with his. He slowly starts deepening the kiss, one hand gripping the back of my head, the other moving to my thigh, moving me so my back is pressed against the bed, his body hovering over me. One leg inbetween mine, the other on the other side of my left leg. My one arm wraps around his neck, fingers burying into his thick hair, my other hand is gripping his shirt. His tongue darts out, licking at my bottom lip. My mouth parts for him, both of our tongues darting out, tangling with each tohers. He tilts my head, deepening the kiss even more. Crying breaks us apart, both of us looking at the baby monitor. Jung-guk moves off me, allowing me to escape the room to check on the toddler.

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