Chapter Five

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"Hello?" I croak into the phone, rubbing my eyes tiredly, hissing at contact of my contacts.

"Where's Jung-guk?" Drew groans, "Moms yelling at me for not keeping na eye on him," I look down at the male cuddled into my body, a small smile lfiitng my lips.

"He fell asleep here," I say, "I'll drop him off in a second," I say, hanign gup on the male. I manage to get out of his hold, padding my way towards my bedroom. I get dressed, throwing on a pair of black skinny jeans and a long sleeve, tight crop top. I add a leather jacket, one Alliosn got me for my birthday, and a pair of black combat boots. I move into the bathroom, taking my contacts out and throwing them out. I wash my face again, brushing my teeth ebfore putting on my thick framed glasses. I elave the bathroom, finding Jung-guk stumbling tiredly out of the lounge, Prince padding after him.

"Morning," he chuckles, smiling down at me. I smile back up at him, my smile more shy.

"I've got to get you abck to Drew's, Mama Frobes is going crazy," Jung-guk chuckles, following me and Prince out of the house. I drive us there, the drive not taking long, "Could oyu tell Drew to get dressed and get to work," I hum, Jung-guk nodding, waving at me. I drive away, heading further into town. I pull into a parking spot, sliding out of the car. Prince stays by my side as I etner the bookstore, humming soflty. I smile at Sadie, moving to put on a name tag, tossing my jacket into the break room. Prince finds his spot, curling up and keeping a watch on the store and me. I move around, restocking the shelves as the bell rings. I toss the empty boxes into the back, moving to the café side, where tables and couches are set up, a nice little fire place in the middle of it all. I start wiping down the tables, moving the pillows around. I smile at the customers, the bell ringing, a groan filling the room. I throw Drew a glare.

"Sorry," he mumbles, moving intot he back. He takes over Sadie's position, the older female leaving the store. I continue to move around the building, cleaning tables, helping customers, fixing shelves. Hours pass by, Drew and I going at a good pace.

"Thea," I turn around, smiling at the older women as she enters the store, "I haven't seen you in a while," she says, pulling me into a hug. I giggle, hugging her back.

"I know, sorry Miss. Forbes," she throws me a soft glare, shaking her head.

"How many times do I have to tell you, call me Diana," I playfully roll my eyes, "where is your Mom?"

"Korea," I say, "Dad's company," the odler female nods her head, understanding completely, "hi Jung-guk," I say, acknowledging the male behind Diana. He smiles at me, waving shortly.

"I was wondering, could Jung-guk work here?" I glance over at Drew, moving over to him. I flick his ear, causing him to lift his head so I salp him with a spatula, waking him up.

"We could always use the help, Drew can teach you how to work the coffee amchine," I say, throwing Drew a smirk, "Diana, the new book in that series just came in," the older female hums, following me into the back. I dig through the boxes, pulling it out.

"Thank you dear," she says, "you and Drew?" I let out a gasp, shaking my head, "don't play innocent with me, I kow the way you two look at each other,"

"No, no. Diana, please," I whine, "there's nothing going on between Drew and I, we're just friends," Diana chuckles, turning around to the leave the room.

"That's what they all say," she throws over her shoulder, leaving me standing there dumbfounded. I shake my head, leaving the back room, two more employee's entering. I smile at them, grabbing my leather jacket. I whistle, Prince trotting up to me. I leave the store, sliding into my car, Prince jumping into the passenger seat.

"Me and Drew," I mumble, looking at the dog, "she's crazy," I hum, shaking my head. I back out of the parking spot, taking off down the street. I turn the music up, rolling the window down for Prince. I tap my finger against the steering wheel, running my other hand through my hair. I flick on the turning signal, pulling onto the dirt road, going through the entrance to the cementary. I continue down the dirt road slowly, carefully pulling over to get out. I climb out of the car, opening the passenger door for Prince. I move towards the grave, sinking onto my knees. I place a hand onto the headstone, reading it.

Alexander Salvatore
Loving Father, Husband, Son, Brother

"Hey Dad," I whisper, "I know this is an unplanned visit, but I just needed to come. Be around you," I look down at my hands, "my anxiety is getting worse, my attacks coming faster and sooner and at multiple times. My arms are scarred with markings," I hum, rubbing my arms, "I wish I could hear you voice one last time, ehar you tell me how strong and brave I am, listening to you tell me what a wonderful women I am becoming," tears hit my hands, Prince whining, "How are we suppose to do this without you? How am I suppose to keep myself strong without you?" I furiously wipe away my tears, "it's been years since you've passed, and it feels like just yesterday. I love you Dad, I miss you so much. I'll make you proud of me, I promise," I press my lips onto two of my fingers, pressing them onto the heart craved into the stone, inside the heart a crescent moon. I get off my knees, moving back to my car. I slide into my seat, lenaing my head back, tears streaming down my face.

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