Chapter Six

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"You never do your homework," I laugh, shaking my ehad at Drew. He rolls his eyes, flopping down into the chair, glaring down at the cafeteria food on the tray.

"I hate you," he hisses, making me laugh. I shrug, throwing him a wink ebfore looking at Jung-guk, "what are you doing for Thanksgiving? Are you celebrating?" Drew asks, digging into the food.

"Probably not. Mom's not here, Allison is working, so I'll end up just ordering something or cooking something random while babysitting Elizabeth," I say, shrugging, "no biggy,"

"I'd say come over, but we're going to Uncle Kevins," I snort, Drew glaring at me, "asshole," I wink at him again, turning my attention to Jung-guk, "this jerk gets to stay home," Jung-guk shoots me a wink, smirking at Drew.

"Sucks to be poor Drew," I tease, "thank god I am leaving early," Drew groans again, "I'll bring back McDonald's,"

"Oh thank you," Drew gasps, looking at me with wide eyes. I roll my own eyes, the bell ringing. I grab my things, throwing everything out. I stop at my locker, grabbing my coat and other things. I leave the school, sliding into the driver seat. I head home, picking up Allison and Elizabeth.

"Alright, you'll be able to do this appointment alone?" Allison asks, looking down at her phone. I snort, throwing her a look, "okay, okay. Stupid question. Just make sure to tell them about the recent attacks and how frequent they are," I nod my head, focusing on driving and the music blaring from the speakers. I finally pull into the parking lot, heading inside with Allison. I am called back quickly, the appointment not taking that long.


"This is so good," Drew moans, looking at the Big Mac like it's his first love. I start laughing at him, shaking my ehad as I sip at my Sweet Tea.

"I really don't understand you at times," Jung-guk laughs, shaking his head at Drew. I smile at the dark haired male, nodding my head in agreement. I jump as a phone starts blaring, Jung-guk throwing me a sheepish smile. He gets off the couch, elaving the room. My eyes focus back onto the TV, watching Baywatch. My head moves as the door squeaks open, Jung-guk's voice flowing back into the room.

"아버지, 잘하고 있습니다. (Father I am doing fine.)," Jung-guk says, humming afterwards, "나는 엄마를 너무 사랑해. (I love mom too,)" he enters the room, "sorry, Dad was calling to check up,"

"Man, I haven't heard someone speak Korean in a really long time," I hum, leaning my head back and closing my eyes, a small smile on my lips. I feel my legs being lifted and placed onto the males legs.

"Since Alex," Drew hums, "man, that guy could make you completlely and utterly confused with the way he spoke," I snort, lifting my ehad to look at the two males.

"He spoke so damn well, I would stumble over every word I spoke to butt into the conversation," I giggle, Drew laughing at that, "he pretty much had conversations with himself," Jung-guk smiles at me, eyes shining wtih something, "I miss him,"

"Me too," Drew sighs, "he was always that father figure in my life," I throw him a sad smile. Drew never had a Father figure, his Father walking out on them before he was born, and then losing the only other Father figure in his life.

"THEA!" Allison yells, voice carrying from downstairs.

"Upstairs!" Drew and I yell back, all three of us bursting into laughter at that. Allison pushes the door open, smiling at the tree of us. The toddler rushes in, throwing herself onto my lap. I giggle, pulling her up so she's sitting on my lap.

"My boss is forcing me to go out of town, and I have no one else to call to babysit Elizabeth. Alice is going out of twon for Thanksgiving," Allison sighs.

"That's okay, I'll watch her. I don't mind," Allison sighs deeply, throwing me a greatful look before leaving, Elizabeth following ehr Mom, "there goes my break," I hum, shaking my head.

"I'd help-" I wave Drew off.

"I'll help," Jung-guk says, "I use to help with my younger siblings," I smilea t the male, nodding my head, "we have to get going, but I'll be back over later," I nod, moving my legs off Jung-guk. Drew kisses my cheek, both of the leaving me alone. I sigh, leaving the lounge, heading to Allison's room. I help her pack, sending her off, leaving Elizabeth and I.

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