Chapter Eight

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I rub my eyes tiredly, moving my body into the kitchen, a yawn leaving my lips. I move towards the coffee machine, turning it on to start brewing. I grab a cup from the cabinet, taking it down while grabbing the creamer from the fridge. I pour the coffee into the cup, putting the creamer into the coffee. I stir it, bringing the cup to my lips. The hot liquid moves down my throat, hopefully will help me stay away. I slowly sip at the liquid, looking out of the window above the counter space. I watch as the sun slowly rises, peaking above the tree-line. A warm body moves behind me, my eyes widening slightly.

"Did Elizabeth eventually go back to sleep?" Jung-guk asks, lips brushing my ear.

"Ye-Yeah. Around one or three," I yawn, "I can't remember when," the male hums, taking the cup from me and setting it down. He spins me around, cupping my neck again. Knocking cuts his actions short, his eyes flaring as I start giggling. I slip out of his hold, moving towards the door.

"Thea," I stop, looking back at him. I catach the hoodie he throws me, pulling it on. I wrap it around myself, pulling the door open. My eyes widen, flickering between the two people standing in front of me. The women smiles fakely, eyes shining as she looks past me, looking around my house.

"Ma-May I he-help you?" I whisper, avoiding eye contact with the male next to the women. She finally looks abck at me.

"Is your Mother home?" she asks, voice high-pitched and demanding.

"No," I say, keeping my eyes focused on her, "I am home with Elizabeth, what may I help you with?"

"I wanted to talk about the charges you are keeping against my son," my jaw locks, "I was hoping your Mother would drop them, seeing as it's a misunderstanding,"

"Misunderstanding?" I grind out, "If you do not get off my property I will call the police, and I am positive Jackson being anywhere near me will break his porole," I say, smiling fakely sweet at the women, "and even if my Mother wanted to, she cannot drop the charges, I am a legal adult, and only I can drop them. I will enver be dropping the charges against your piece of shit son, you have two minutes to get off my porch," I slam the door shut, locking it for good measures. I let out a shaky breath, stumbling back. Arms wrap around me, allowing me to cuddle into them as tears stream down my face.

"You did good Thea," Jung-guk whispers, "I am so proud of you," I pull away to look up at him. He backs me up so I am being pressed against the front door. He presses soft kisses to my forehead, cheeks, nose before planting them onto my lips. He removes them shortly after, "you're an amazing girl,"

"Thank you," Iw hsiper, wrapping my arms around his enck, pulling him into a hug. He hums, wrapping his arms tightly around me.


I grip onto my side as I laugh at Jung-guk, his eyebrows scrunching up as he looks at me. He narrows his eyes, a smirk forming on his lips. I let out a very girly squeal as he wraps his arms around me, flour going all over my face and shirt. Elizabeth is squealing with laughter, watching us with wide eyes. I smile at her, handing her a chocolate chip.

"I think we made a mess," Jung-guk laughs, ruffling his hair. I giggle, nodding my head.

"Go shower, I'll celan up," I say, smiling up at him. He smiles back down, nodding his head. He disappears upstairs, elaving me and Elizabeth alone. I clean up our mess, checking on the cookies before moving Elizabeth into the living room.

"Go shower," Jung-guk says, moving over to Elizabeth. I head upstairs, jumping into the shower. I stand under the water spray, the warm water hitting my face. I shake my head, turning off the shower. I pull on skinny jeans and a skin tight, long sleeve crop top, showing off my shoudlers. I shove my feet into a pair of shoes, grabbing my keys, jacket and phone. I head downstairs, finding Jung-guk in the kitchen. I smile at him, bending down and putting shoes on Elizabeth, "it's today?"

"Yeah," I say, "you don't mind tagging along?" he shakes his head, smiling at me. He takes my keys, heading outside. I follow him with Elizabeth. We stop at the flower shop, ebfore heading to the cementary. Jung-guk stays in the car while Elizabeth and I head to the grave. My kneel down in front of it, Elizabeth staying quiet. I set the flowers onto the gravestone, along side the empty gift box, the same one he had Mom's engagement band in, "I'm happy Dad, I've been able to control the attacks, control the scratching more. I'm able to focus not only on school, but on myself, on my social life," I look over at the car, watching Jung-guk tap his finger onto the steering wheel, "I've met someone I really like, someone who listens to me and understands me," I whisper, "he's such a sweet, caring, charming guy, you would've loved him Daddy," I whisper, a tear rolling down my cheek, "he's someone you would approve of," I hum. I tap Elizabeth's leg, moving the little bit towards the other gravestone. I take in a deep breath, letting it out slowly, "hey T," I whisper, "it's been way too long since I've come to see you, and I am sorry for that. Losing you and Dad was one of the worst things in my life. I spiraled down after that, being disganosed with depression from your deaths, my migraine's and now my anxiety, it's all pushing weight down onto me. Like I told dad, I met someone. You would've liked him too. He's someone you'd be friends with, protective, strong, kind. He's everything I wish I could have. Tyler, I miss you so damn much," I whimper, "why'd you have to go? Why was it your time?" I take in a deep breath again, "please keep Dad company, I will see you soon," Is et the flowers down, letting my fingers feather over the imprint of his necklace, "I love you," I get up, picking up Elizabeth. I slide into the car, afte rputting Elizaveth into her car seat.

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