Chapter Two

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I leave the classroom, stopping at my locker to grab my coat and lunch box. I pull on the hoodie, zipping it up before heading towards the stairs. I find Drew waiting at the bottom of the stairs, talking to someone I don't know. I smile shyly at the two, Drew throwing an arm over my shoulders. He bids his goodbye, pulling me towards the exit. We leave the school, heading towards my car. I slide into the driver seat, Drew quickly taking the radio. I smile at him, turning the car on before putting my seatbelt on. I pulling my phone out of my bag, flicking through the messages. I toss my phone into the cupholder, pulling out of the parking spot.

"We're getting an exchange student," Drew says, "and guess who gets to be the host family," he mumbles after, making me giggle. He throws me a weak glare as I flick on my turning signal, turning onto another road.

"Don't be such a downer, where's he from?" I say, throwing him a look.

"Korea," Drew says, "he's gonna steal all the spot light," the male pouts, making me snort out a laugh, "stop making fun of me," he whines, hitting my arm, "he should be there when I get home, so no hanging out,"

"That's fine, I have to babysit anyways," I say, shrugging my shoulders as I pull into the long driveway, punching in the code for the gate. It creaks open, allowing me to pass through. I pull up to the house, a black car sitting in front of the house, Drews Mom outside greeting a hidden person.

"Looks like he's here, I swear if I have to teach him English, I'll flip out," he grumbles, unbuckling his seat belt. He kisses my cheek, pushing the door open. I roll my eyes at his childess act, moving over to his Mom. I pull around the car, waving at his Mom. I ignore the other male, leaving the driveway and heading to my house, which isn't that far away, on a side street off the road I was just on. I pull into the longer driveway, pulling up to the red brick, Victorian House. I shove my car into park, turning it off. I climb out of it, heading ot the front door. I unlock it, pushing it open. I close and lock the door behind me, moving up the stairs directly to my left. I move down the hall, stopping at my bedroom door. I push it open, the room the most modern room in the entire house. A large, queen-sized bed with a black and grey bedspread on it with pillows hiding the headboard. A large, cushioned chest at the foot of the bed. A set of closet doors are on the left wall, a bathroom next to the smaller closet. A dresser is in the corner, or like a wardrobe I guess. A dark oak desk is in the other corner. I move towards the closet, throwing my bookbag towards the desk. I strip out of my clothes, throwing them into the basket, pulling on a pair of sweatpants and a sports bra. I move back into the bedroom, dropping into the desk chair. I start on the rest of my homework, completing it in about an hour and a half, Drew distracting me most of that time. I sigh, pulling my headphones out and dropping the pen in my hand. I look down as my hand connects with a wet nose, smiling down at my pure black German Sheppard. I scratch the top of his head, getting out of the chair, checking the time. I hum, changing into a pair of running shorts, the weather unbealivablly hot in our small town. I grab Princes leash, hooking it onto his collar. We leave the house, headphones shoved into my ear, music blaring as we go off onto our job. I go my normal route, which takes us past Drew's backyard, which is quite small due to the large front lawn. Drew is outside, taking to a decently handsome male, my eyes drinking in his torso and chest. I snap my eyes away, continuing my hour run. I stop running at Drew's hosue again, leaning agsint my knees as I try to catch my breath. I look up at the backyard, waving at Drew before I head back home. I etner the house, unhooking Prince's leash. He trots over to the five-year-old in the living room, flopping down next to her. I move towards the kitchen, peeking inside.

"You stink," Allison comments, Mom walking into the kitchen, giggling.

"Oh hush," I whine, taking in both of their faces, "what?"

"Honey, I have to go out of town," she hums, "You Dad's company-"

"Mom, you don't have to explain it to me," I say, "I understand, tell Pa I said hi," I sya, smiling at the women. She sighs deeply, kissing my cheek. I leave the kitchen, taking a shower before collapsing onto the bed, no longer wanting food.

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