Chapter Fifteen

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I grab a thin, sheer black lace robe, pulling it on over my night-wear. I slip my feet into a pair of slippers, looking down at Jung-guk, a soft smile on my lips. I leave the bedroom, heading downstairs, pulling the robe closer to my body. I head inot the kitchen, smiling at Max.

"Morning, I was just thinking about what we should do for breakfast," Max hums, turning to hand me a large cup of coffee. I hum in thanks, sitting down to drink the cup of coffee.

"Is that old diner still in town?" Drew grumbles, taking the cup from my hands.

"It is, go wake your man up Thea," Max says, winking at me. I roll my eyes, heading upstairs. I slip out of the slippers, moving onto the bed. I shake Jung-guk's shoulder, his groan causing me to laugh. I throw my leg over his waist, leaning down to whisper inot his ear.

"Jung-guk, it's time to wake," I whisper into his ear, nibbling on his ear softly. He grumbles, hands gripping my hips, lips slamming onto mine. I kiss him back with as much passion as he kisses me with. I grip his neck with one hand, the other tangling into his hair. I pull away, a soft moan leaving my lips as he starts kissing my neck, sucking softly on one spot.

"We should stop," he hums against my skin, "why'd you wake me up?" he asks, sitting up, cuasing me to sit on his lap.

"We're going to a diner for breakfast," I whisper. He hums, kissing my nose. I climb off him, peeling off my clothing after he went into the bathroom. I change into a pair of skinny jeans and a black tank top with a loose button up, and a pair of black converses. I head into the bathroom after Jung-guk leaves it, curling my hair and doing my makeup before we head downstairs to meet up with the boys. We all pile into Max's jeep, heading into the small town.

"You will love this cute diner, it's seriously the best food you'll ever eat," Drew laughs, grabbing my hand, "the cutest couple owns it too,"

"Drew, you're acting so damn gay it's not even funny," I giggle, Drew throwing me a glare. I throw him a smirk, sliding out of the car. We head into the diner, sliding into a booth, Jung-guk and I on one side, Max and Drew on the other. We order, starting a light conversation about Christmas break.

"I think Mom and Allison are going out of town during Christmas so we're opening presents sooner," I say, "I'm not sure why or where," I shrug, leaning my head onto Jung-guk's shoulder.

"You could always stay at my house, it wouldn't be the first time either," Drew suggests, shrugging, "Mom is going out of town on a business trip, can't get out of it," he says, shrugging. I hum, nodding my head, "god, this place is just as good as I remembered," he groans, stuffing his face excitedly.

"Slow down before you choke, I will not be saving you," I laugh, shaking my head at him, "another cup please," I ask the waiter, the male nodding. I hum, smiling at him, grabbing the cup. I slowly sip at the coffee, listening to Drew and Max talk. After we pay, we leave the diner, heading back up to the cabin. I pull off the loose button up, kicking off my sneakers as I enter the bedroom.

"You know, we haven't spent any time with just the two of us," Jung-guk comments, moving up to me, softly pushing me back. My body hits the bed, his hovering over me. I giggle, pulling him down so our lips connect. He slowly starts kissing me, hands roaming over my body. One hand tangles with mine, the other grabbing my thigh. My other hand tangles into his hair. The kiss starts getting heavier, his tongue slipping into my mouth, searching every inch of it. His hands move under my tank top, slowly pulling it off my body. I work on his shirt, managing to get it over his head. He starts attacking my neck, leaving open mouthed kisses down my enck. I let out a soft moan, moving my head to give him better access. A shattering sound and the sound of something impacting with the floor has us breaking apart, Jung-guk jumping up to check the sound. I grab the loose button up, pulling it on as I follow him. I look out of the bedroom, Max and Jung-guk speaking lowly as the check on the damage.

"It's Jackson," Drew whispers, "there's no other explanation," he mumbles, pushing me inot my bedroom. He closes the door behind him softly before showing me his phone.

From Unknown: You better keep that exchange student away from MY girl, or you will pay dearly,

"When the hell did you get this?" I hiss, glaring at the male. He sighs, rubbing his face.

"A couple days after Jung-guk got here," he sighs, "I didn't want you worrying. I didn't think he'd go this damn far,"

"It's fucking Jackson, of course he'd go this far. He's mentally insane," I grumble, shaking my head, "how the hell did he even know we were here?"

"I don't kno-" he stops talking as a quiet beeping sound can be heard. My eyebrows furrow in confusion, my body spinning around. I move over to my bag, digging around in it. I pull out the object making the noise, breaking it. I toss it out, running my fingers through my hair.

"He was fucking tracking me," I sigh, "of course," the door squeaks open, Jung-guk walking in, "how bad is it?"

"Max is calling someone now, we didn't see anyone," Jung-guk says, "Drew, you should call your Uncle," Drew nods, squeezing my arm comfortingly. I move over to the bed, dropping down onto it. Jung-guk cups my face, pressing his lips softly onto mine, "I think we were interrupted,"

"Jack-" he cuts me off by kissing me, a giggle dropping into his mouth.

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