Chapter Eleven

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"You get back into that bed," Mom snaps, handing me some pills, "I know when you're in pain, and you are not going anywhere after you accident last night," she states, handing me abottle of water. I take the meds, sighing deeply.

"How bad is the damage?" I ask, setting the bottle down onto the nightstand. Mom sighs, shaking her ehad, "I can't lose that car Mom,"

"I know honey, but you still have Dad's car," I sigh, nodding, "I'll see if someone can fix it, if not-"

"I know Mom, thank you," she nods, "go to work," she ksisses my forehead, heading towards the bedroom door.

"Jung-guk isn't going to school either, I told Diana that he can come over here to keep you company. I trust you, and that kid, he's a good kid," I smile, looking down at my hands.

"I like him, I really do," I hum. Mom hums, leaving the door opened some. My phone buzzes, my hand shooting out to grab it.

From Drew-Boo: I heard what happened, was it really him?

To Drew-Boo: yes, no mistaking that. Same damn car, same damn face

From Drew-Boo: I wanna punch the living fuck out of him, I'll be over after school, I'll help you through the crap,

To Drew-Boo: Thanks,

I drop the phone, running my hands over my face as my head throbs. I climb out fo the bed, taking my contacts out, grabbing my glasses. I wash my face, washing off the makeup from lastnight. I head downstairs, moving slowly into the kitchen. I smile as I grab a sticky note, smiling at Allison's handwriting:

Made you breakfast, please eat. Stay in bed, Love Allison

I grab the plate, heading back upstairs with a cup of chocolate milk. I get into bed, putting on one of the shows I binge on. I shovel the food slowly into my mouth, eyes trained on the dim TV. I ignore my phone, knowing it's either Allen, Freya or Drew. I continue eating, finishing the plate and the episode. I sigh, grabbing the empty cup and palte, heading back downstairs. I jump at the loud knocking, groaning softly. I pull the door open, revrealing Jung-guk in a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie, Diana behind him. I move to the side, letting them both inside.

"I made you two lunch, Elena should be ho- exactly, Allison should be home for dinner," I snort, throwing a smile in her direction, "you stay in bed, Elena told me you have a migraine, sleep. Both of you stay in the house,"

"Of course Diana," Jung-guk says. She kisses both of our cheeks, leaving the house. Jung-guk goes to make sure the door is locked, while I put the lunches she made into the fridge. Jung-guk wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me into his body. I lay my head onto his chest, listening to his heart beat as we hug, "god, I don't know what could've happened last night,"

"Yeah," I whisper, pulling his hand to lead him upstairs. We get comfortable on my ebd, my body cuddling into his as Prince lays on both of us.


"You know how Mom is," I sigh, "she's being overprotective Drew," the male hums, nodding his head. I sigh deeply, running a ahdn over my face, messing up my glasses.

"It's better this way," Drew says, "this way we know where you are and can keep you safe," I roll my eyes, "don't give me that,"

"I love you, and I love her, I just can't be coddled my whole life," I say, "I know she's scared I'll leave her too, but that can't control us," Drew sighs, nodding, "how's Jung-guk?"

"His parents are beyond upset that their son got into a car accident," Drew sighs, "they're threatening to bring him back home," I sigh, looking down at my hands, "don't even think about it,"

"I can't help it Drew! None of this would've happened to him if I enevr entered his life!" I yell, falling back onto my bed, trhwoing am arm over my face, my other hand holding my glasses, "Jackson wouldn't be going after us if I never opened up my doors again,"

"Shut up," Drew snaps, "Jackson is a dick who's still controlling your life, and you're letting him! You need to take control of your own damn life, don't let someone you have feelings for leave because you think it's for the ebst. I know what will happen, you'll fall deeper into your shell," I peek up at the mlae, watching him move towards the door, "you better hurry, Mom texted," he slams my bedroom door shut, tears slipping out of my eyes. I quickly sit up, turning to face the family picture on my nighstand.

"Why can't things be easy?" I whimper, "why can't my life be simple and good? I have to deal with obsessive ex's who are hell bent on destroying my mind, a guy who has caught me in his trap and I am potentially losing," I sigh, putting my glasses back onto my face. I push off the bed, grabbing my phone before leaving the bedroom. I head to the end of the hall, pushing the slimmer door open. I turn my flashlight on, moving up the steep and narrow spiraled staircase. I push the enxt to open, my flashlight illuminating the old study. I pull out a light, moving over to the candles. I start lighting some of them, moving over to the large bookshelves built into the one side of the wall. I run my fingers over the bends, pulling out one. I move over to the desk, dropping it onto the desk. I flip the book open, Dad's handwriting peeking up at me. I run my hands over the writing etched onto the page, "god, why couldn't you be here? You would have the entrie situation figured out and solved before I could even ask," I allow a tear to slip, wiping the rest away.

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