Chapter Fourteen

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I lean into Jung-guk's chest, laughing at my best friend as he dances around the classroom, excitement clear on his face. Jung-guk chuckles, pulling me closer as he leans his head onto mine. I hum in content, smiling over at Faith.

"Drew?" a deep voice chuckles, my eyes flickering to Max. Drew stops dancing, a blush rushing up his neck, "that was cute," the male laughs, Drew throwing him a glare which he responds to with a wink. He looks over at me, smiling at me, "alright you three, let's go, Kevin doesn't like waiting," I get off the chiar, Jung-guk twining our fingers together, pulling me out of the room. We follow Drew and Max, a smile on my face as I laugh at Drew.

"So what is exactly happening?" I question, Drew throwing Jung-guk a smirk. I push my bottom lip out inot a pout, Jung-guk kissing my cheek.

"Pack a bag for a couple weeks, we're going to Kevin's cabin," Jung-guk whispers, my eyes widening. I let out a very girlish squeal, jumping onto Drew's back. He start moving quickly down the hallway, elaving the school with me on his back.


I drop my abg onto the bed, looking around the room. I move over to the balcony, looking out the glass doors. Arms wrap around me, my body naturally leaning back into Jung-guk.

"It's beaitful," he whispers, "but not as beautiful as you," a smile lifts my lips, my head tilting back as his lips move against my neck.

"We have to unpack," I giggle, spinning around to face him, "come on, we have a pool to use," he chuckles, moving back so I can start unpacking. We move swiftly, unpacking all of our clothing. We elave the bedroom, ehading downstairs where the boys are. Max is in the kitchen, moving around it while Drew is on the stool, leaning aaginst the breakfast nook, watching him, "gross," I mumble, Drew throwing me a wink.

"Oh hush, you be doing the same," I start blushing Jung-guk pulling me closer, "I don't know about you, but I am straving and tired. I am going to be chilling here for the day," Drew hums, leaning back against the counter.

"I am going to go exploring, I haven't been here in a very long time," I say, "wanna join?" I ask, looking up at Jung-guk.

"Of course," he chuckles. He catches the keys that are thrown to him.

"Forwheelers and dirt bikes are in the shed, you can use those, the keys are hanging up," Max says, smiling at us, "take a radio, cell service is shit in the woods," I hum, nodding my head as I move over to the closet, pulling it open. I grab two radios, hanging one to Jung-guk, "you might want to change," I look down, throwing Max a smile. I rush back upstairs, stripping. I grab a pair of faded gray skinny jeans an a loose, two finger tank top that shows off my red lace bra. I shove into combat boots, the closet thing I have to any kind of hiking boots. I clip my radio onto the waist band of my jeans as I head back downstairs. I follow Jung-guk outsides, heading into the shed.

"Dirt bikes?" I question. I grab keys to one, throwing my leg over it. I feel hands on my body, lips pressing softly into my ear.

"You look amazing," he whispers, climbing onto his own bike. We take off, heading further into the woods. I giggle softly, leading him towards a small pond in-between this cabin, and Mom's cabin. I pull to a stop, planting one foot onto the ground, "what is this place?" I smile over at him, climbing off the bike.

"I found this one day when Drew and I were out here exploring, enevr realizing we had cabins close by to each other," I hum, leaning back into the male. He turns me around, lips covering mine softly. I wrap my arms aroun dhis neck, parting my lips for his tongue to lsip in. I tangle my fingers into his hair, pressing closer ot him. We stumble backwards, giggles leaving my lips as we do.

"Guys, there's a storm coming towards us, fast. You guys need to come back," Max says, the radio crackling. My hand moves to grab the radio.

"We're on our way," I say, putting the radio back. We climb onto our bikes, taking off. We get back into the shed before the rain starts. We rush back into the cabin, laughing as we do.

"How was your ride?" Max asks from the couch, Drew cuddled into his side.

"Fun, I miss these woods," I sigh in delight, "I'm going to go take a bath to get warm, you two have fun but not too much fun," I hum, winking at Max. He winks back at me, a smile on his lips. I head upstairs, moving into the bathroom. I start the tub, filling it. I strip out of the wet clothes, putting bubbles into the water. I slip into the tub, a sigh leaving my lips as I quickly throw my hair into a messy bun. I lean my head back, eyes fluttering closed. My eyes snap open as the door creaks open, Jung-guk walking in. He smirks at me, winking. He starts setting up candles, vanilla filling the room.

"Take as long as you need, I'm going to shower in another bathroom," I throw him a smile, humming as he kisses my forehead.

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