Chapter Nine

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"No Jung-guk?" I question, tilting my head as Drew slides into the car. Drew shakes his head, biting his lip, "alright, spill," he glances at me.

"Alright, so my Uncle pretty much shoved me out of the closet and told my family I am gay. It went, semi how I thought and semi not," Drew rants, "but, Mom was okay with it and that's the only person I cared about being okay with it. Then, somehow, I end up making out with Kevin's boss's hot as hell son," he sighs, "don't ask me how, it just happened,"

"Jung-guk and I made out," I whisper, "we were watching a movie, then started talking and then started kissing," I hum, pulling into a parking space.

"Tongue?" I nod my ehad, "Damn, get some baby," I roll my eyes throwing him a glare, "seems like we both had interesting breaks," I shrug, entering the school, "whens Mom coming home?"

"Next week," I say, "then she'll be getting back to subsituing," I hum, "she's having to stay an extra week because some of the investors are complaining that there isn't a male heir taking over the company and thinks Dad's brother should,"

"Idiots," I hum, "anyways, I wanna know more abut how well Jung-guk kisses," I roll my eyes, stopping at my locker. Drew starts laughing, kissing my cheek before heading to his first class. I head to mine, sliding into my chair. One of the other teachers is taking the class, giving us an hour long free period. I sigh, pulling out my headphones and putting them into my ears. I start playing music, keeping it low so others don't hear it. I pull out a notebook, scribbling into it, writing down everything in my scrambled mind. The bell finally rings, allowing us to leave. I shove my headphones and phone back into my bag, elaving the class, heading to my hour long Chemistry class. It goes by, doing a lab the whole time. I head to my locker, grabbing my lunch before heading to the classroom. I plop down into my seat, furrowing my brows in confusion as I see more people in the room then normally. Drew and Allen walk in, laughing about something. Drew and Allen plop down into there normal seats, Jung-guk and Faith entering next. Faith sits down enxt to Allen, kissing him on the cheek. I smile at the two, Drew glancing down at my arm before giving me a look.

"How was your Thanksgiving?" Jung-guk asks, looking at Drew. Drew hums, shrugging, making me laugh. He shotos me a pointed look before smirking at Jung-guk.

"How was yours?" he hums, tilting his head. A blush rushes up my neck, Jung-guk smiling at me.

"Fantastic," I whine, hiding my hands at the two males laugh at me. Drew turns around to talk with Allen and Faith, Jung-guk moving closer to me, "I wouldn't mind repeating it," he teases, making me blush even harder. I slap his arm, throwing him a weak glare. The bell rings, forcing us to leave. We head to English, Jung-guk sitting behind me like normal. I turn around to face him, leaning onto his desk, "may I take you on a date?" he asks, smiling at me knowingly. I nod, a giggle leaving my lips, "good, be ready by seven," I nod, turning around to pay attention to the lesson. I completely ignore Jackson the whole class, even with his eyes bruning into my body. I head to the newspaper, plopping down into my seat. I hum, getting up again. I head to the gym, entering it. I pull out the camera, putting it up to my eye. I start taking pictures of the Cheerleaders, some of them nodding at me, others glaring. I ignore those ones, continuing to do my job, "could I get a group one, maube doing a stunt?" I ask, the head Cheerleader nodding. I kenel down, taking a few pictures, showing those who want to see.

"We have a competition this weekend, you could come to get some pictures, or we could have someone take thme and send them to you," Stella says.

"Alright, could you send me the information for the competition, I'll put it into Wednsdays and Friday's paper," she nods, smiling at me. I nod my thanks, leaving the gym. I move down the hall, taking random pictures of some clubs and electives. I put the camera back inot the room, taking the SD card out. I head to Mrs. Asher's room. I etner it as the bell rings, smiling at the teacher. I plop down into my seat, smiling at Jung-guk. We start working on a project, moving to the units to start cooking.

"Having fun?" Jung-guk laughs, winking at me. I roll my eyes playfully, washing my hands. He moves behind me, also washing his hands. I roll my eyes again, bumping into him before leaving to my last class. I ask to miss, heading down to the newspaper room. I stay in the room as the bell rings, Jung-guk joining me.

"Drew?" I ask.

"He's getting a ride from someone," I nod my head, eyes moving back to the laptop. I bite my lower lip, working diligently on the article.

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