Chapter Four

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I smile at Jung-guk as he slides into the passenger seat, buckling up before turning towards me.

"No Drew?" he questions, raising an eyebrow. I snort, shaking my head as I send Drew a message.

"No, he's at practice," I hum, "how was your first day?" I ask, pulling out of the parking spot and the parking lot.

"It was interesting," he chuckles, "a lot different than Korea," I hum, nodding, "I'm glad they didn't make me take a foreign language," I snort, nodding my head.

"Yeah, I dropped Spanish the first second I could," I say, "it was stupid, I already knew three languages," he nods, humming in agreement. I flick on the turning signal, pulling up to the gate. I punch in the code, pulling up to the large house, "if you need any help, just text me," I say, handing him my number. He takes it, nodding. He heads into the house. I pull out of the driveway, hissing as pain shoots up my arm. I glare down at the mark, biting my lower lip harshly. I pull into the driveway, shoving the car into park. I slide out of it, heading inside. I head up to my room, tossing my bag next to my desk, dropping onto my bed, trying to calm myself down. I sigh deeply, rubbing my face tiredly. My phone starts going off, my hand flying out to answer the call blindly.

"Thea! There's a party happening this weekend, we have to go shopping for it," Freya yells, excitement clear in her voice. I let out a low groan, "Please, I promise it'll be fun,"

"Fine," I groan, "when are we going shopping?"

"Now, get your ass out here," I sigh, getting off my bed. I grab my bag, and keys, leaving the house. I slide into Freya's car, her taking off as soon as I do.

"That new kid is so fucking hot," she whines, "and he's even living with the other hottest guy in school," I roll my eyes, "you have to hook me up,"

"With the new guy?" I question, giving her a glance.

"No, with Drew!" she whines, throwing me a pout. I shake my head, "fine," I crack a smile, throwing her a wink. She pulls into a parking spot, climbing out of the truck. We head inside, hitting many stores to find the right outfit, "Thea, this is so you!" she squeals, holding out the two-piece. The top is a skin tight, long sleeve lace fabric, the bottom an flowly, high-waist black skirt. I try it on, stepping out to show Freya. She nods her head, handing me stiletoes to try on. We change back into our normal clothes, buying the outfits. We head abck to my house, Freya staying for dinner. She leaves an hour after, leaving me alone. I flop into my desk chair, pulling out my homework. I start working on it, taking a couple hours to finish.


I move downstairs, entering the kitchen. I smile at Elizabeth, the toddler giggling as I kiss her cheek. I smile at Allison, humming softly. I grab a water from the fridge, downing it in one gulp.

"There's a party tonight, Freya is making me go," I say, "I won't stay out to late," I say, Allison nodding. I hum softly, leaving the kitchen. I head upstairs, grabbing my phone off my bed, "Yes Drew?"

"You're going to Mitches party right?" he questions. I hum in confirmation, "good," I roll my eyes, hanging up on the idiot. I flop back onto my ebd, a loud sigh leaving my lips. I get off my ebd, grabbing my laptop from my school bag before flopping back onot my ebd. I log into the laptop, opening the articles I am working on for next week. I allow my fingers to fly over the keyboard, spending an hour working on the articles, sending some to the Principal for comfirmation. I close the laptop, pushing it away from me. I glance at my phone, a loud groan leaving my lips again.

"What the hell to do?" I whine, throwing an arm over my face. I giggle as a tongue hits my hand, weight flopping onto my body, "hey Prince," I hum, sinking my fingers into his thick fur coat. I sigh once again, skin crawling as nerves fill my being. I don't care for parties, too crowded, too many things could go wrong. I sigh as a wet nose hits my throat, my eyes snapping to my lovely dog. I ksis the top of his head, my bedroom door banging open, Freya strutting into the room with Faith. I push Prince off me, allowing them to do my hair and makeup. They curled my long, thick black hair, the makeup making my emerald green eyes pop out even more. I pull on the outfit and shoes, following the two girls out of the house. We walk to the house, Mitch not living too far from my own house. We enter the already crowded house, music blaring from it, people with cups and most drunk already. I sigh deeply, following Freya into the kitchen, handing us drinks. I take the cup, sippng at it, smiling as I taste the familiar linger of Jack and Tea, my favorite. I finish the drink, doing two shots with the girls before I follow them to the living room. I watch them disappear, elvaing me alone. I sigh, rubbing my arms anxiously.

"Didn't peg you for the party type," a familiar voice says, my eyes flickering to Jung-guks. I smile nervously at him, his eyes move to my fingers. He takes my hand, entwining our fingers, "come on, let's dance," I allow him to pull me into the mess, pulling me close to him as we start dancing. I eventually lose myself into the music, allowing myself to let loose and forget about my problems. I giggle softly, dancing against Jung-guk. Jung-guk elads me away from the living room, finding a quieter place near the back. I lean against the wall, Jung-guk putting his hand next to my hand, leaning close to me as we both catch our breath, laughing at each other. My eyes flicker over to Drew, a sigh leaving my lips. I grab Jung-guk's shirt, pulling him towards the exit.

"Drew's gonna be out all night," I say, exiting the loud house, "I'm tired of being around all these people too," Jung-guk chuckles, placing his jacket around me. I hum, pulling the material closer as we walk down the street. My eyes take in the missing car, "do you want to come in?" I ask, Jung-guk nodding his head, "I'll text Mitch and see if he can wrestle Drew out of the house," I say, pulling my phone out and sending him a message. I push the front door open, letting the male inside. I kick the heels off, a sigh leaving my lips as I pad down the cool wood floors, entering the kitchen. I grab two bottles of water, handing one to Jung-guk. I lead him upstairs, pushing my bedroom door open. I change in the bathroom, putting on a pair of sweat pants and a tight tank top, showing a little of my bra. I wash off the makeup, throwing my hair into a pony tial before leaving the bathroom, finding Jung-guk looking at my pictures.

"Who's this?" he asks, pointing to the one person I miss more than anything. I smile sadly, moving over to him.

"My Dad," I whisper, "come on, we can hang in the lounge," I say, pulling the male out of my bedroom.

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