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Alivia's POV

The girls and I were dancing and having a good time until I felt an unfamiliar set of hands grab my waist. I gasped in shock as I felt the hands pull me into a hard chest. The unfamiliar body started to grind against me. I turned around to see that the body was Brock. He smirked when I made eye contact. Brock grabbed my hips and pulled me close to him.

"What would your boyfriend think about this?" He said into my ear seductively.

"I don't think he'd like it," I said back as I looked at Kuz. His eyes were glued on us and his jaw was clenched. He looked so hot when he was angry.

"You wanna take this back to my place?" Brock asked grabbing my butt making me jump.

"Sure." I smiled as he grabbed my hand.

As we walked away all of my friends gave us weird looks. We walked past the Ball boys and Kuz. The Ball boys' mouths were open in shock and Kuz's jaw was clenched. I blew them a kiss as we walked past them. I smiled as Brock and I walked outside to his car. We walked up to a really nice Jeep Wrangler. Fratboy has money. I smiled as Brock got in (he didn't even offer to open my door for me). I was about to jump in but I smirked and backed away from the Jeep.

"Yanno you fuckboys think you get every piece of ass you look at. I'm different though. Sorry buddy but I'm not interested in you or your ugly ass." I laughed as I backed away from the Jeep.

"But Alivia I thought we had something." He sighed as he got out of the car.

"No, you thought you had a one night stand. Yanno I got you something." As I turned around to walk away I flipped him off with both hands. "They're really nice I got them at Target."

I walked back to the house swaying my hips. I laughed as I heard Brock calling for me. I walked back into the party smiling. I was about to walk into the living room when I was pinned to a wall.

"How was Brock?" A familiar voice rang through my ears.

"Really good he was huge." I laughed as the figured went silent. "I'm just kidding I left his ugly ass outside."

"Thank God." He sighed as his arms wrapped around my waist.

"C'mon Kuz you know that you're the only person I'd grind on." I laughed as I played with his button down. I don't know what it is about parties but I become a savage.

"Is that so?" He asked smirking.

"Nope." I laughed as I walked away.

I walked up to the Ball boys who had questionable looks on their face. I laughed as I walked up to them.

"So, um what happened back there?" Zo asked awkwardly.

"I left his ugly ass outside," I said making them laugh.

"No, way?" Melo said through laughs.

"Yup," I said popping the "p".

"You're crazy." Gelo laughed at me.

"I know." I smiled as everyone continued to dance.

Mili eventually pulled me back into the circle of girls that were dancing. I explained to her what happened and we laughed about it. We danced and hung out with the guys until people started to leave. Around midnight the party was over and the DJ left. It was only me, Mili, the Ball brothers, and Kuz left.

"Aye, we're going to take our ladies home. I'll see you later." Zo hugged me and told me goodbye.

"The party was awesome mami." Melo hugged me before he left.

"Well let's get cleaning," I told Mili as I looked at our messy living room.

"Can I help?" Kyle asked as he leaned up off of the counter.

"Don't worry about it we got it," Mili said as I grabbed trash bags.

"Let me help you guys. This place is a mess and it's the least I could do." Kuz spoke as he grabbed a trash bag.

"Let's get cleaning then." I sighed as I started to pick up solo cups.

We started cleaning. I picked up trash and lit a candle because the house smelt bad. Mili cleaned the kitchen while Kuz put up the snacks and drinks. Soon I got the trash picked up and I broke off to clean upstairs.

Kyle's POV

Alivia walked upstairs to go clean leaving Mili and me downstairs.

"Hey Mil," I spoke getting her attention.

"What's up?" She looked up from sweeping under the dining room table.

"Can I ask you a question?" I asked making stop cleaning.

"Shoot." She replied.

"What was Alivia like yanno when you guys were younger?" I asked as I leaned on their counter.

"Oh, I met her when we were 13, but she was so much fun. She's fun now but she was carefree fun loving. She was like a goofy funny. She didn't give a shit about what others thought of her." Mili smiled as she spoke about Alivia.

"When did the anxiety start?" I asked as her facial dropped.

"It didn't start overnight. It was a slow buildup that came from a series of unfortunate events. She still smiles through it though. What happened to her was much worse than what happened to me, but she remained absolutely hilarious." Mili laughed as she continued to talk.

"What exactly happened?" I continued asking questions.

"Now that's a story for her to tell you," Mili said as she picked up her broom.

"I'll have to ask her that. Anything else I need to know?" I questioned as I stood up from the counter.

"I don't think so. She's very confusing, so if you have questions feel free to ask." She smiled as she walked to her pantry to put up the broom. I smiled as thought about Alivia as I heard something almost fall down the stairs.

"Whoa ok then. I'm taking these damn things off." Alivia laughed as she stabilized herself on the banister of the stairs and took off her heels.

"Thank you for helping us clean up." Alivia smiled as she walked up to me and hugged me.

"No problem. I gotta go. I have practice tomorrow." I said as we walked to the door.

"Ok, I'll see you later." She smiled as she opened the door for me.

"See you later." I hugged her before walking out of the door and to my house.

Alivia's POV

I sighed as I closed the door behind Kuz.

"He asked about you by the way." Mili's heels clicked as she walked towards me.

"What did he ask about?" I asked as she leaned against the stairs.

"He wanted to know what you were like as a kid." She spoke as she took off her heels.

"What did you tell him?" I questioned as I leaned against the door.

"That you were fun loving and goofy. He really does care about Alivia. You should have seen how pissed he was when you acted like you were going to leave with that guy." She laughed as she ran her fingers through her hair.

"Yeah, I know. That was funny though." I laughed as I thought about our fun party.

"Do you feel the same?" She said clearly making my heart jump.

"What?" I asked playing dumb.

"You heard me Alivia. I asked if you like him back." She crossed her arms trying to act tough.

"Oh you know it's late and we have class tomorrow. I gotta go to bed." I said as I walked to the stairs, but Mili stopped me.

"Don't avoid your feeling Alivia and don't you dare play with his. If you don't feel anything you need to tell him." She warned me before letting me up the stairs.

I sighed as I walked up the stairs. I thought about what Mili said. Does he really like me?

Distrust//Kyle KuzmaWhere stories live. Discover now