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*February 8*

"Left Rooney left." Coach Corrie called as we went over new plays for this season.

"Ok, so the moment you pass left you set a pick for Drummer so she has room to drive the lane." I nodded as Coach Corrie pushed us into our spots.

After running multiple plays and working on dynamics we finally finished practice. Mili and I walked back to the locker room together. We talked as we packed our stuff and made our way to my G Wagon. We got in and Mili instantly started playing music. We sang along to every song as I drove through Westwood. Mili kept yelling at people that cut us off. I laughed as Mili tried to start road rage. After Mili almost started road rage we finally made it home.

"Practice was so long today." I groaned as I threw my backpack on our couch.

"I know right. How does Coach expect us to remember the plays from last year and like ten new ones?" Mili complained as she flopped on the couch.

"Not to mention half the time we improvise plays. Has that hurt us yet? No, it has not. We literally beat California by 20 on Saturday." I rambled on as I sat down beside Mili.

"I'm ready to graduate." Mili groaned as I started Netflix.

"We're only Sophomores." I sighed as I played an episode of Riverdale.

"That's my point exactly." Mili scoffed before turning her attention to the tv.

We sat and watched tv for a while. We were starting a new episode when my phone vibrated.

Kyle: Dinner tonight @ 7?

Alivia: sure

Kyle: ok wear something semi-formal

Alivia: ok see you in a bit

"Imma go get ready. Kyle is taking me to dinner." I told Mili as I got off of the couch.

"You want me to help you get ready?" Mili turned around on the couch to look at me.

"Sure." I replied making her stand up from the house.

I walked upstairs and started a shower while Mili grabbed her collection of makeup. I showered and shaved before getting out and drying off. Mili dried my hair while I brushed my teeth. After she dried my hair Mili straightened it. After we straightened my hair Mili started on my makeup. We talked about random things and sung along to my playlist while Mili did a simple glam look. After we finished Mili pulled me into my closet threw me the box of pasties that we had to use for the Lakers' Christmas party.

"Put those on. I know exactly what I want you to wear." Mili said as she ran into her room.

I sighed as I put on the pasties. Soon Mili ran back into my room and was holding something white. Mili handed me the object and I realized that it was a romper.

"You realize that I'm 3 inches taller than you and this is going to be too short?" I said as I held the romper up to my body.

"It's to big for me. Trust me and put it on." Mili said as she dug through my jewelry.

I slipped on the romper and realized that it looked really good on. Mili handed me some black chokers and my nude lace up heels. She squealed as she looked at my finished outfit.

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