Chapter Four

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Harry refused to leave his side and had fallen asleep next to Draco, his hand on the soil close to his body to feel his warmth. But Draco was sure if he stayed here any longer, he would most likely end up like this, some empty thing with fear that looked like him.

After an hour of making sure Harry's breathing is steady, Draco slowly lifts his head tentatively, he exhales and sits up.

Harry stirs, Draco freezes.

He waits the couple of seconds it takes for Harry's unconscious form to realize there's still warmth next to him and he relaxes. Draco spends the next minute debating how to go about escaping.

As soon as he starts thinking about different ways to stand up, Harry opens his eyes and Draco refrains from gasping. They stare at each other, Harry in mild sleepy confusion and Draco in unfaltering alert.

Then he just runs for it.

He doesn't remember rising to his feet but he did, and it takes a spare second for Harry to realize what he's doing and then he's hot on Draco's heels.

Draco hears his name being shouted once or twice, the word danger mixing between it, from what sounds like Harry, but he's just too terrified to face him any longer and he keeps pushing.

"You'll die!"

Immediately, Draco's pounding footsteps falter, and he jerks to a stop. He quickly turns and finds that Harry also stopped quite a ways away. Both boys stand there, rooted to their spots and staring the other down.

"I am not staying here," Draco says warningly, firmly.

Harry rolls his eyes in a mix of mirth and despair, nodding sarcastically. He gives Draco a look of confident affirmation. "Well, you're not leaving."

"Contrary to popular belief, Potter, I have a life outside of the likes of you. I have classes to go to, a sentence to fulfill. I have assignments that must be  completed and people to report to. I am not staying here."

"Draco, I'm not letting you leave!" Harry throws his hands up in exasperation. "You said it yourself, I've been here for months. Months, yeah? So that means I know more than you and right now I know you're safe inside this bloody circle of trees!"

Now, Draco is clever. He's not just book smart, he knows that things have consequences and he knows he should always think about making a decision--the outcomes, the loopholes, the solutions--before making up his mind.

He's a Malfoy, for Salazar's sake.

So, he stares. Long and hard, he stares at Harry's still panting chest, he sees that Harry has his fists stubbornly balled up at his sides and he's staring back at him with just as much fire.

With a final scoff and a rub down his face, Draco stomps his foot. He looks directly into the unmoving green eyes as he points his finger menacingly. "You are explaining everything this instant. As in now. No evading, no changing the subject. After that, I will be the one to decide if I leave or stay. I do not care if your blasted hero complex will not allow it. You will not tell me what to do, Potter."

Harry only exhales in relief. He nods frantically, and he ushers Draco forward again quickly with his hand. Once Draco is close enough where he can clamp his hand down on his wrist, he pulls him back to the thermal spot in the center of the copse.

He looks down at Draco expectantly, and he gives him a pleased smile when Draco cringes at the soil. "I am not sitting on dirt, Potter."

The raven-haired boy shrugs his shoulders and his sweater off. He makes a show of bowing dramatically as he spreads it before Draco, who is watching him the whole time with crossed arms and twisted lips. "My liege."

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