Chapter Forty-Seven

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Harry is standing by the fire with his hands in his pockets, his face expressionless, with the glare reflecting off his glasses. He only moves when he hears the footsteps coming down the Slytherin Wing, and he moves away, closer to the arm chair that Draco favorites when he's reading.

"What's up," Ron sits on the couch and Blaise takes a seat on the armrest next to him.

"I need your help. And since this is one of those instances where we are definitely going to get caught, Hermione can't know."

Blaise lifts an eyebrow. "Is this how all your mischief meetings go?"

The redhead laughs. "No. Harry's on a personal mission for his honey."

The dark-haired Gryffindor rolls his eyes. "Draco can't get into the manor, it's against his sentence. If he gets near the wards, an alarm will go off and the Ministry will swarm it in less than ten seconds to arrest him.

"But," Harry continues, turning on his heel to watch the flames flicker and twitch. "There's nothing that says I can't go into the Manor."

"You forget the Manor is a fortress, now. Narcissa wouldn't have left it alone without protection."

"That's not a problem," Harry waves it off. "I have going into the Manor covered, as well as getting out. It's maneuvering through the inside that I need help with. Which is where you come in."

Ron looks up to Blaise like a proud mother, and Blaise rolls his eyes and pushes his shoulder. "Well."

"Right, sorry," Harry clarifies calmly. "I was asking Ron for his permission to take you, not you."

The Slytherin squawks. "What! Why?"

"Because when it comes to anything Draco-related, you jump in blindly. And whether or not your outcomes are better, I'd still rather have a level-headed person who partially knows you, make the decision for you."

Blaise's eyes widen in fury and he opens his mouth to retaliate. "Level-headed...!"

"You've been in that house, you know where everything is," Ron interrupts him, pulling his hand to get his attention. "It's an in-and-out thing, he just needs information."

"Why are you even doing this, what is your motive?"

"Blaise," Ron warns.

"It's alright, Ron," Harry clears his throat and looks at Blaise straight in the eyes. "I have a mate who's suffering from not knowing where his only family is. I made a promise to find her and return her, unharmed, and to kill everyone that gets in my way. I will keep my promise."

"You can't just kill people to get what you want for Draco."

"Yes," Harry answers simply, undisturbed. "I can. I am now part of a recorded species. I am within my rights to do so, as the Alpha mate of a Veela, and no one can stop me."

"What will you be looking for?"

"I'll know when I'm there."

The Slytherin looks down at Ron's hand playing with his fingers, and then back at Harry, who's watching him like a hawk with dark eyes. He suppresses his shiver. "What about Draco? Both of us gone is bound to raise suspicion."

"I can't stay away for long due to the bond," Harry agrees, walking closer to sit on the coffee table so he's level with Ron and Blaise. "But I can copy my signature onto the surrounding walls so he won't be alarmed by my absence. Better yet, he won't know. As for you, Ron will be here so he'll just assume you're with him. We won't be gone for more than a couple of hours."

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