Chapter Thirty-One

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Blaise was...rambling. Which was unusual.

Well, the rambling itself wasn't unusual, as Blaise usually did it when he was panicking, or when he was asked something he's never been asked before.

The thing is, Draco hadn't asked anything.

And Blaise was just...rambling.

He was sure he heard Ron's name thrown in once or twice or twenty-seven times because yes, Draco was counting.

But he also wasn't paying attention all that much.

No. Draco's mind was racing around a certain green-eyed wizard who stole his first kiss.

The tosser.

It was on repeat, in his head, over and over. Sometimes slow, sometimes fast, sometimes in fragments. The way Harry looked at him before he lunged at him, smooth and practiced as if he'd done it before. And the way Harry took his face in his hands, softly, where his thumbs rested.

And Merlin, his eyes. The shade of forest green bordering on emerald swimming in his eyes as he looked into Draco's, right before looking down at his mouth.

And the burning sensation that Draco felt when Harry kissed him. Like an inferno inside his stomach that rose only to meet Harry's lips.

It irritates Draco to think like this because he shouldn't. He shouldn't think about Harry Potter this way and he shouldn't be thinking about a measly mistake and he shouldn't be trying to decipher what it means. He shouldn't be thinking about Harry Potter. But he is and he doesn't know what to do.

Shouldn't. Shouldn't. Shouldn't.

But his lips. His eyes. His skin.

Draco groans out of frustration and throws himself back onto his pillows.



"Are you listening to me?"

"Every word," Draco sighs and sits up. "Why are you even going on about the man? You are going to see him in a few minutes."

"Well, yes, but isn't it going to be different?"

"Why would it be different?"

"Because we're boyfriends now."

The amount of distance between Draco's hairline and his brows suddenly disappears. "Boyfriends?"

Blaise huffs. "Thought you were listening."

"Blaise, it has only been a month. Not even a month, it has been three weeks!"

"Does it matter," he snaps. "I'm happy and I feel good when I'm around him. He makes me feel happy. Should it matter the amount of time we've known each other?"

"You know nothing about him, man!"

"Says who?"

"Me! And you do not know him properly enough to label your relationship, if it can be called that."

"I don't need to listen to you. You know nothing about relationships. You haven't even been kissed! And you should be happy for me. Happy that I won't be such a burden to you anymore."

Draco opens his mouth to say something but Blaise is already slamming his door shut.

Happy that I won't be such a burden to you anymore.

Bollocks. There goes his only friend.

A burden. Draco wants to scoff. If anything, he's the burden. Always getting Blaise in trouble, hauling him around when he knows it won't do good.

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