Chapter Forty-Nine

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"What," Ron seethes, pushing Blaise's wet, naked back against his door as soon as it closes behind them. "The bloody hell were you doing with that bloke? In the bath? Alone?"

Blaise rolls his eyes. "Nothing, Ron. I was talking to him."

"Yeah, I saw that," Ron says sarcastically. "Very nice fellow, don't you think? His true colors really come out when he's fucking naked."

"He's a bloody criminal," Blaise hisses at him, pushing Ron's chest and casting a strong silencing charm on his entire room, then lifts his wards. "He's a criminal and I was trying to find out what he's been doing this entire time. Months into the term and this is the first time we see them? It was just an informational chat."

"And your preferred way of staking out is getting naked with him? How professional of you."

"It was a way of showing him I was vulnerable, you idiot," Blaise smacks his chest. "And he took the bait. Plus," he yanks his towel so it lands on the floor and Ron looks down at his body. "I wasn't completely naked. I was wearing pants. Now, if you're done with your pissing contest, I'd like to explain to you what the hell is going on."

Ron grumbles, crossing his arms as Blaise pulls him to his desk and sits him down. "Still don't like that bloke. Gives me the wrong vibrations."

Blaise ignores him. "Now, the one you saw was the first twin. You didn't get to see the other one..."

"There's two of them," Ron exclaims, standing up wide-eyed.

"Ron, for the sake of Merlin, I will cast a Silencio on you if you don't let me finish."

The Gryffindor sighs and takes his seat.

"Yes, there's two of them. The first one didn't give me his real name, then again, they both could have lied about their names. Anyway, they set their own house on fire with their mother inside of it because she wouldn't let them attend a regular private school."

"They wanted to be Muggles?"

"Supposedly," Blaise nods. "That's what was published in the paper, it was everywhere. They're the boys who went to Deuxmür."

Ron's eyes widen considerably. He takes Blaise's arm and pulls him down to hiss into his ear. "You were rooming with them this entire time?"

"That's the thing," Blaise pulls himself away and starts to pace. "They haven't made an appearance until now. I've walked this Wing since the beginning of term and never once have I made contact with them. And suddenly, I go to take a bath and they're there? Coincidentally, at the same time Potter makes a reappearance?

"No," he shakes his head in denial. "That's not a coincidence. They're here for a reason, they're up to something."

"Why haven't I seen them anywhere?"

"They're probably using glamours to hide their true identities, it must be part of the agreement that let them come here."

"That doesn't explain..."

Blaise suddenly lifts his head, putting his hand on Ron's chest to silence him as he looks at the ceiling of his room.

"What is it?"

The Slytherin looks at him and mumbles, "I missed you." And then he's lifting him by the lapels of his shirt and kissing him hotly.

Ron makes a noise of surprise but doesn't hesitate to kiss back, his hands gripping the slim waist as Blaise walks him backwards towards the bed, pushing him down and climbing.

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