Chapter Forty

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Draco hears a loud ringing in his ears. He can hear background noises, like the heavy mumbles of people talking around him, and he can vaguely feel something touching him, but his body is so numb he can't tell where.

Harry growls at Draco's unresponsiveness. "Draco, come on," he taps his face again to get his eyes to focus instead of rolling all over the place like marbles.

"Potter, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..."

"Get out," Harry spits. "Get out."

"But," Blaise says. "What about Draco?"

"I need to help him and I can't think clearly if you're here," Harry answers, glaring. "Go get McGonagall."

The Gryffindor sighs when he hears Draco's door slam shut. He inhales deeply and closes his eyes.

"Okay. What do I do?"

For a spare moment there's nothing. But then, he hears a gentle voice, one he recognizes from his guide.

Calm him down.

And then there's a flash behind his eyes, a memory of the first time Harry experienced Draco as his mate. He sees Draco's closed eyes and furrowed eyebrows, concentrating, with his hands flat on Harry's chest.

So he does just that, he moves his hands from Draco's face to his chest, and he exhales. He projects all good things, the memory of his parents the few times he's spoken with them, of Sirius and Remus, and his first Quidditch match and the first time he flew on a broom.

He doesn't hesitate in projecting all the thoughts he's had of Draco these last couple of days, and the immense amount of joy Harry gets in his stomach when he sees his face.

Draco's eyes widen and he sits up, gasping and grasping Harry's shirt as he goes up. He looks around, remembers where he is and what was going on.

"Harry," he breathes, squeezing his hands around the lapels of his mate's shirt. "Harry, my mother."

"I know. I know. I need you to calm down."

"No, my mother. I need to find my mother, Harry, they have her...!"

"We'll find her. I promise, we'll find her. But we are not leaving this room until you calm down."

The blond, looking at Harry's stern look, nods and closes his mouth. He inhales through his nose and matches his mate's face. "I have to go find her."

"You are not leaving this castle."


Harry lets a frown crease his face and Draco silences. Instead, he asks, "Do you know who could have taken her?"

"It could have been anyone, I...I cannot be sure."

There's a soft knock on the door and Harry looks up to see Headmistress McGonagall walking in with Blaise and Hermione behind her. "Mr. Potter, you asked to see me?"

"Draco's mother has been taken."

The elder's eyes widen a smidge before she takes a step, looking to Harry. He nods and she comes closer, taking a seat on the futon. "They're trying to lure him out."

The Gryffindor nods again. "They won't harm her, they aren't that stupid."

"Narcissa Malfoy is a force to be reckoned with," McGonagall agrees. "But that doesn't mean they won't intend harm. I'll get the Ministry on it right away."

"No," Draco yells, launching himself in the direction the Headmistress is walking towards. "Not them."

"Minister Fudge will not be alerted," she says with a mischievous smile. "I have my own Ministry."

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