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"All of you have proven how capable you are to make a difference in this world. It takes courage to be able to stand up every time you get knocked down, and bravery to show the journey you've taken to get to where you are today. After everything that happened in the last twelve years, you did it.

"Now, I know as a magical people, the Wizarding World does not do things as the muggles do. However, I think we owe it to give ourselves a break, if even just a small one, from our customs to celebrate the youth of our community.

"I commend you, graduating class, on a job well done. Hogwarts will always be your home, we will await your return with open arms any time you decide to pay visit."

Minerva McGonagall stands proudly at a podium in the South Wing Courtyard, facing the foggy mountains in the surrounding area. She's clad in black, contrary to her velvet green robe, and the smile on her face is unmoving despite the staticky atmosphere floating above her.

Ron reaches over in his own robes, courtesy of his blond Slytherin friend who denied having to watch him walk the stage in the robes his aunt had sent him for the Yule ball so long ago, and squeezes Blaise's knee. They share a small smile before focusing back on the Headmistress delivering the rest of her speech to conclude the graduation.

Draco nudges him with his elbow, and when Blaise turns to him he finds his pale friend biting his lip in excitement, his hand squeezing Harry's a little too tightly for comfort. Harry, however, keeps running his thumb back and forth over the skin of his mate's hand, a dopey, relaxed grin on his lips as he listens extensively to the elder on the stage.

He reads the intent of his actions, the very noticeable 'We did it!' written across his face in imaginary bold red letters. He turns back to the stage and catches Hermione's eye, grinning when she sends him a discreet wink. He nods in return.

"Now. If you will all please rise," Headmistress McGonagall announces.

"Can't believe I actually made it this far," Ron mumbles into his ear as they stand.

"We all know how many arses you kissed to get here, Weasley."

Ron pokes his head around Blaise and narrows his eyes at Draco. "Ha, ha. Very funny."

"From taking notes to taking your O.W.L. exams," the Headmistress begins. "You have all exceeded all my expectations, regardless of scores. I am proud to call you my students. Now, if you will take your tassel and move it to your left."

Blaise takes a deep breath.

He reaches up to take the strings, and with a final encouraging hand squeeze from Ron, he gingerly moves it over his cap to the left side of his face. He turns to grin at Ron widely.

"Congratulations, first graduating class of Hogwarts!"

As soon as the Headmistress finishes, everyone rips out of their seats and jumps, cheering in glee. Ron yanks Blaise out of his chair and immediately seizes his face, pushing their lips together.

In an instant, everything becomes background noise and Blaise melts into Ron, gripping the lapels of his gown and sighing.

"Just you and me, now," Ron murmurs over his tingling lips.

"Don't forget us," Harry says behind them. The grin he's sporting is happy, and he turns it to his mate who is picking out something from his hair with a grimace.

"Do, actually," Draco drawls. "I want nothing to do with you all, nothing at all. As a matter of fact, forget you even knew me. We are practically strangers."

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