Chapter Fifty-One

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Draco wakes up the next day with a tight grip around his middle, and when he turns to Harry, he finds his brows furrowed in discomfort and his eyes firmly shut.

He sighs.

Turning back to the window, he pushes down the need to go shut the curtains with a purse of his lips. He puts his hand under his cheek, the other hand caressing the arm that's wound around him.

It didn't feel right to lie to Harry; it felt like he was going against everything he lived for. But, was he technically lying?

Because he truly did not know if Kai was who he said he is. For all he knew, Kai could be an imposter, or a liar for the fact, because he doesn't remember reading that Newt Scamander ever had a child.


He couldn't tell Harry. Not until he figured out if Kai's appearance and his mother's disappearance were connected. Because if Harry found out, he wouldn't let Draco do anything, not even leave the Tower.

The blond sighs again, thinking about the turn of events. How had his life turned completely upside down without precedence? And not only that, his Veela blood had been activated, by what, his depression? He had dug himself so deep into his mind, had traumatized himself of feeling alone so much that his body retaliated and forcibly found him company.

And, of course, it had to be Harry Potter.

Lucius Malfoy would be having a field day if he still had his sanity.

"Hey," Harry's throaty voice startles him out of his thoughts, and his eyes close involuntarily when Harry's arms tighten around him and pull him closer. He feels Harry run his nose up the side of his neck and then sigh. "What y'a thinking about?"

"My father," Draco answers quietly, craning his neck so Harry can nudge his nose against his.

"What about him?"

"His reaction. Towards all this."

The Gryffindor chuckles and Draco's skin erupts with goosebumps. "Lucius would probably explode. Figuratively and literally."

"He would not. Now that the Dark Lord has perished, he would not. He would have probably thrived on the attention the Malfoy name will receive."

"You think so?"

"I know so. My father was ruthless, but he was respected. And the only reason he was respected was because he knew how to manipulate attention to center it on himself. He would have known how to control the press when this got out. And he would have enjoyed every second of it."

"I'll give him that. Lucius did know how to handle those tossers."

"Do you know what else he knew?"


Draco grins and rolls, climbs over Harry in one smooth movement, effectively trapping his mate underneath him. Harry is looking at Draco with surprise in his eyes, but there's an amused smile playing at his lips. "How to make a lean, mean Malfoy machine."

The Gryffindor bursts out laughing, holding Draco's sides lightly as he turns his head side to side, as if he can shake off the mirth. "I can't believe you said that."

"I believe Weasley has already imprinted on me," he sniffs. "But I was trying to make point of my boredom. We still have a week and three days of break and all I have done is sit around and be captured. I want to get out of the castle."

"We went to Hogsmeade two days ago, Draco."

"Yes, and it was unplanned and we only went to dinner."

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