Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Blaise is walking down the third floor corridor after his class when he hears heavy footfalls behind him. He turns, his features softening when he sees Ron running towards him and clutching his book bag in his arms.

"Hey," Ron pants after he catches up, matching his pace with Blaise's.

"Afternoon," Blaise greets. "Were you coming from the Common Room?"

"Yeah, just left Hermione so she can rest. McGonagall gave her the work she missed upon her request so I reckon she'll be up to her nose in books all Holiday."

Blaise nods. "Where are you headed?"

"To the kitchens, didn't reach breakfast. I was...preoccupied this morning." Ron grins when Blaise flushes.

"Oh. Well, I'll see you later."

Ron skips in front of him and stops, and when Blaise jerks to a halt, he takes his hand and kisses his knuckles. "I'll catch you later, your Highness."

Blaise rolls his eyes and snatches his hand away, but he can't help the pleased grin from spreading on his face. "Go, you fool."

The Gryffindor laughs all the way until he disappears around the corner, and Blaise continues his trot to the library.

Draco is halfway through a blue hard-cover book in their usual table when he gets there, and he doesn't even look up. "Well, hello. Didn't expect you to be up and running."

"'Ello," is all Draco says.

"Please don't tell me you've picked up that blasted book again," Blaise groans when he's checked the title. "Give it up, already."

The blond shakes his head and spares Blaise a brief glance. "I need to understand what is happening to me, Blaise."

"You found a very good bed mate," he says casually. "Enjoy it while it lasts."

Draco looks up with a disgusted look on his face. "Must you be so vulgar? Besides, that is not at all what happened."

"I know. I consulted our dear friend, Hermione, this morning."

"You have already spoken with her," Draco asks with weary eyes. "What did she say?"

"What I told you. You found someone compatible to bed."

The blond sighs in frustration. "Blaise..."

"Alright, alright," Blaise laughs. "She said that one of your mixed bloodlines..."

"Sh!" Draco rushes forward to cover his best friend's mouth and looks around. "Top secret!"

"Right," Blaise rolls his eyes. "Hermione said that one of your aliases began looking for a compatible mate at the beginning of term, which is why you went looking for the little cockroach."

Draco scowls. "You are bedding a Gryffindor, hypocrite."

This time, it's Blaise who rushes forward to cover Draco's mouth, who raises his eyebrows with mirth.

"Blaise, everyone is aware of your relationship."

"It's not...not a relationship. We're not. I don't think..."

"I understand."

Blaise sighs. "Anyway, once you revived him, turns out you lost a lot of energy so you initiated a transfer ritual."

"That is how my guide explained it to me," Draco nods.

"Mhm. Although, I must say it's about time you two got down to it. All those blasted years of teasing and bullying," Blaise extends his hands out with wide eyes. "So much tension."

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