Chapter Nineteen

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Draco sets his book on the coffee table, sits in the armchair next to the fireplace as Blaise turns in his spot.

"Anyway, what did you want to ask me?"

"Oh," Draco's eyes light up. "I was wondering if you wanted to go back to the Tower."

Blaise makes a face and laughs at Draco's. "Never thought I'd ever hear that come out of your mouth."

"Right, yes," Draco clears his throat. "I meant if you thought it was time to move back to our dormitories in the Tower. And are you not supposed to be in detention?"

"I thought I'd skip today. I doubt Weasley is there, with all the Granger commotion and whatnot," Blaise shrugs. "And if you think you're not going to faint or lash out with magic or anything of the sort, sure. We can go back."

"No. I feel perfectly capable of going through my daily routine. Although, I could go with still having meals in the dorm."

"Agreed," Blaise sighs as he jumps on his bed. "What a drag to have to sit at our designated House table. There are only four of us in this year. It's embarrassing and unnecessary."

"Who are the other two? I have never seen them before."

"Some transfers," Blaise waves his hand uninterestedly. "From another school."

"Which one?"

"And why do you assume I know that?"

"Because you are you. And you happen to like interfering in other people's business. Which means you know exactly who they are and where they come from."

Blaise rolls his eyes at the pointed look he gets from his best friend and exhales loudly. "They're from Deuxmür." He lazily rolls his eyes to Draco when he doesn't hear a respond and catches him staring hard. "What?"

"Deuxmür? That penalty prison in southern France?"

"Yes, dear."

"What are they doing here?"

"Got out early with good behavior," Blaise flourishes his hand. "They're twins. Turns out the Wizengamot tried them for attempted arsenal after their mother wouldn't let them attend a regular private school. Apparently one of their wands got traced back to the Fiendfyre but both denied having anything to do with it, so they locked them up."

Draco perks his brows for a split second. "Harsh."

"Tell me about it. No, they plead innocent all the way through the trials and even went as far as taking Veratiserum. The scene and way the evidence was presented doesn't add up, though."

"I bet they are glad to be out of there. Father once told me that Deuxmür is almost as bad as Azkaban, that the only difference was that the Dementors at the Deuxmür actually had faces."

Blaise shivers.

"About what happened," Draco starts, but he's interrupted by a knock at the door and a timid voice breaking through it.

"Um, Mr. Malfoy?"

Draco's eyes squint to Blaise. "What is it?"

"Um, there's someone waiting for you in the Common Room."

"A guest?"

"Um, no," the voice sounds confused. "A student."

A student, Draco mouths to Blaise, who shrugs.

"Who is it?"

"Um," the voice shakes. "It's...Harry Potter, sir."


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